progressive lectionary liturgy

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The message was clear:  This is what happens to people who rebel. And when the Son of Man comes in your glory. Posted by John Petty on July 07, 2020 at 09:16 AM in Bible, History, Lectionary, Liturgy, Religion, Theology | Permalink The NRSV has "God forbid it." It appears to come from a source other than either Mark or Q. It's the oldest trick in the book. The word is exomologoumai, which means:  "I thank you." The more progressive school would have us modify the old liturgy, music, and scriptures by cleaning them up and bringing them closer to what we really believe. In Matthew, Jesus does not rebuke Peter. "Bearing fruit" means "following on the way," which means imitating Jesus, and doing what he did. Thanksgiving Liturgy of the Word "I rejoice in the Lord greatly." - Phillipians 4 Opening Prayer: God our creator, your gifts to us are countless and your goodness without limit. Toward reconciliation:  The first step in the process is to go to the person directly. In a sense, Jesus is speaking to and for all the people who try to make a living from the Sea of Galilee. Loving God Whose Divine Lungs exhaled the Spirit . They want to participate in the system. Who helps the poor? If you use these posted liturgies on a regular basis, I hope you might consider making a modest donation to my writing ministry. This tends to give the section a cohesive quality, and again accentuates Jesus in the role of teacher, an important theme in Matthew. The cross is laid on every person:  In Mark, Jesus addresses crowds at this point. That's one reason a lot of what Jesus had to say went right over peoples' heads. (Our lection uses elegxo, translated as "point out the fault" in NRSV. And his disciples came requesting him, saying, "Send her away for she cries out after us." Yet another possibility is that Jesus was opposed by the various authorities of the day, and just maybe he didn't want them to know what he was doing or where he was going. As we come in thanksgiving, teach us to use wisely the riches of land and seas and all the blessings which come from you. We will join the Spirit in singing the good news to our world. The word is gentler than that. We lift our voices teaches us glad praises of joy and hope. Matthew resurrects the word "Canaanite"--the word had not been used for hundreds of years. Parables do something like that. and they cried out from fear. Posted by John Petty on August 24, 2020 at 06:09 PM in Bible, History, Lectionary, Liturgy, Religion, Theology | Permalink This re-established Seleucid control over the region, which lasted until the Maccabean revolt about thirty years later. After the war, however, each side tended to blame the other and relations began to break apart. It recalls the worshipping community at Mount Zion at the end of time. The people sit down. You give to them to eat.' They then go from that to saying that Peter was the first Pope, and that all subsequent Popes are "Peter" as well--all of them "vicars of Christ" on earth, as Jesus himself said. 19For out of the heart come evil intentions, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, slander. An Uncommon Lectionary: A Companion to Common Lectionaries by John Beverley Butcher ISBN: 978-0944344910 is described by the Amazon blurb as: "For the first time ever, the revolutionary Uncommon Lectionary provides readings from gospels outside the New Testament Thomas, Peter, Mary (Magdalene), the Sayings Gospel Q and from other early church documents such as the Didache, the Secret Book of . And wisdom has been justified from her deeds.". Lectionary (668) Literature (40) Liturgy (686) Media (299) Music (60) Obama Administration (167) Pious Drivel (7) Politics (2084) Progressive involvement (17) Psychology (112) Quote of the Day (190) Random Factoids (93) Religion (1722) Republicans (168) Resquiscat in Pacem (48) Saint of the Day (2) Science (87) Secretary of State Clinton (121 . Jesus identifies the enemy as exthros anthropos--a "hostile human being." 47 ‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was thrown into the sea and caught fish of every kind; 48when it was full, they drew it ashore, sat down, and put the good into baskets but threw out the bad. If Matthew was writing AD 80-85, which is the general consensus, that may have been how Matthew saw the situation facing the church at that time. NRSV has "and you will find rest for your souls." Let us go to break down the walls of resentment. Image:  Young Canaanite Woman, Abdel Rahman Al Muzain, 1979. But he answered (and) said, "The one who sowed the good seed is the son of humanity, and the field is the universe. That was one thing. June 16, 1931 – September 12, 2021 But others fell upon stony places where they were not having much soil, and immediately they sprung up because they did not have depth of soil. They're on a mission, after all, to root out evil and get people to straighten up. Matthew says you can tell by their "fruit," by what they do and what they produce (7: 15). Jesus then goes to a mountain, by himself, to pray. "Mortal, can these bones live?" What about the birds who snatch up the seed and carry it away? Cycle B. Our moralistic fervor will be burned away. Jesus apparently stayed on the mountain through the night and into the early morning. The temptation to power and glory was Satan's idea in the first place (4:8). When Jesus and Peter get back into the boat, the wind ceased. pouring out your Spirit on the bread and the cup. The baker-woman God "hides" the yeast in the loaf--score a point (again) for mystery. "Some standing here" would have included Peter, James, and John. This is the one sown alongside the way. Jesus isolates Hades in the underworld, however, and asserts that its "gates" will not prevail against the church. Damned if you, and damned if you don't:  Rather than respond to the real life and needs of the people, the elders condemn the peoples' leaders. The enemy sows "air heads":  Jesus starts off by saying that the kingdom of heaven was like a person who sowed good seed in a field, but "while the people slept, his enemy came. He is set apart. In "a world come of age," people act in freedom and with autonomy while also taking responsibility for their actions. The disciples encourage "business as usual." The issue of the cross:  It seems odd to say, but the cross was an issue for the people of the early church. | We will rejoice and praise God every chance we get. Score another point (again) for universality. It is like children sitting in the market-places and calling to one another, 17“We played the flute for you, and you did not dance;   we wailed, and you did not mourn.” 18For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, “He has a demon”; 19the Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, “Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax-collectors and sinners!” Yet wisdom is vindicated by her deeds.’, Translation:  "But to what will I compare this generation? The mention of mountains also accentuates the particular difficulty of operating in the wake of the death of the Baptist. There are crosses enough in life without making them on purpose. Rather than boast of all that we have and are, may we humble ourselves, as we offer our lives, our hearts, and our gifts, in putting others first, that they might discover the wonders of the kingdom of grace and hope. This has nothing to do with piety, nothing to do with outward sanctimony, nothing to do with syrupy pronouncements, nothing to do with vague decisions, nothing to do even with worship. This is yet another affirmation of what, today, we call "preferential option for the poor.". Then the just ones will shine forth like the sun in the kingdom of their father. This collection of vividly illustrative sermons by a leading contemporary Episcopalian preacher eloquently heralds the Christian call to faith in the face of modern challenges. Seeds are tiny. Therefore, church:  "Do not be afraid. Matthew makes a few other changes. John the Baptist, Elijah, and Jeremiah are specifically named. The disciples have five loaves and two fish, which might have been just enough to feed about 13 people. Our trying to see ourselves as better than others will be burned away. Yet, there is no evidence, from gnostic sources, of anything of the kind. The children "call out to the other ones," which could mean the other children, in which case the children are portrayed as bickering and out-of-sync with each other. Translation:  And leaving that place, Jesus went back to the region of Tyre and Sidon. Several centuries had passed since the Canaanite-Hebrew struggles. our glad songs of thanksgiving offered to you always. The table is organized by book, with the books being in the same order as in the Bible. In the fourth gospel, the Beloved Disciple, for example, has some things to say about Peter, but never is there a sense that relationship had been broken between the two. JUST LIVING. In fact, it is in "book four" of Matthew that Peter is acclaimed the "rock" and given "the keys to the kingdom." In Proverbs 8, wisdom is associated with the works of God. . //jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=pauContent&pau_type='+thisact); The parable of the leaven appears to come from Q--see the parallel in Luke 13:20-21. A seven-week journey of worship and preaching that explores the major issues of justice in our world (power, money, race, sexuality, and climate change) and offers simple, practical guidelines for living justly in our daily lives. The only parallel is in the Gospel of Thomas (57). with the Holy Spirit in your holy church. They "die" into the earth. These are what defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.". It means that this is a parable about God, and not about us. The pew edition of the prayer book of the Anglican Church of Canada. Another parable he spoke to them, 'The kingdom of heaven is like leaven which a woman took and mixed in with three gallons of flour until it was mixed whole.'". may we hear you in the silence and the songs. "For you have hidden these things from the wise--sofown--and intelligent, and revealed--apocalypto--them to children." 7You hypocrites! Could one say that Jesus encourages his disciples, the ones taught and trained by him in the way of the kingdom, to get rid of the old and the obsolete as well as ideas which Matthew might have considered "new-fangled"? Now, he switches to his own source, generally called "Special Matthew," i.e. Maybe so, but the text itself does not say that. in the shallow soil of pleasure and greed. This also explains why it was only after the plants grew up and produced fruit that the weeds "appeared." But when the blade sprouted and made fruit, then was made manifest the tares also. But the enemy who sowed these is the devil, and the harvest is the gathering together of the eternal, and the reapers are angels. The term "Maafa" (pronounced MA-AH'-FA) is a Kiswahili word that gives definition to the catastrophic event experienced by millions of African people during the Middle Passage (Transatlantic Slave Trade) journey from freedom in Africa to bondage in the New World. Darnel is, thusly, a plant of "air heads." I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you might bind on the earth will be bound in the heavens, and whatever you release upon the earth will be released in the heavens." LITURGY DOWNLOADS. The 6th chapter of John is the real breadwinner of the lectionary cycle. This "chokes" us--and doesn't it? If you use these posted liturgies on a regular basis, I hope you might consider making a modest donation to my writing ministry. Suffering is not an achievement. Readings for 5th Sunday in Lent, 4/6/14: Psalm 130, Ezekiel 37:1-14, Romans 8:6-11, John 11:1-45. Make us strong in the broken places, that we will know of what we speak when we offer mercy and hope. Bishop Spong provided a much needed place for those of us who did not connect with traditional theology. May the God who plants us by streams of living water be with you. For this reason, we offer many of the liturgies of Every Moment Holy as downloads for personal or public use.. jQuery('#submit-action').click(); If Matthew had intended the devil, he probably would have used diabolos. It has a sense of delight and pleasure to it. Matthew wants to associate the foreign woman as being an ancient enemy of Israel. But don't worry about it too much, Jesus says. Think of it as an image of creation. if ( thisact == "contact" ) { He was leading a non-violent peasant-based movement--a "childrens' crusade," after a certain manner of speaking--and he was opposed by the rich and powerful. The people loved Jesus and thrilled to his message. No matter what we did, says one group to the other, you wouldn't go along. This way people are exposed to a well-rounded subsample from Scripture. Worship Words networks writers and users across time and space and provides a place to share with others progressive and inclusive prayers, songs and liturgies. This recalls Old Testament figures, such as Abram and Jacob, who were likewise given new names. Another reason may be that, as of yet, we only know part of the story. Be strong, do not fear! This is yet another variation on a common theme of Jesus, namely:  That ritual and religious actions are, or should be, over-ruled by compassion and mercy. and we proclaim that he is the bread of life: As we bring our famished souls to your Table. Chapter 13 of Matthew is made up of a string of parables, many, like this one, introduced by alle, "another." Lectionary Liturgies Liturgies based on the RCL readings for each Sunday of the church year. (In the honor/shame culture of that time, acknowledging the woman would also acknowledge that she had some kind of claim on you.) with those who have trouble changing their minds. Yet, by the end of the story, Jesus calls her faith "great." Found insideWhen we are baptized, the liturgy is not given over to us, ... (or listen to others who do) and understand and apply the principle of progressive solemnity. It is hard to believe, which may be why it is hard to accept it. This is a common failing on all sides. COCU Year B 2020-2021 lectionary. The particular one mentioned here stipulated that hands should be washed before eating in order for people to purify themselves from any object they might have touched that was unclean. And as he sowed, some indeed fell beside the way, and the birds came to eat them. They do not attack;  they defend. ), There were several major factions within the early catholic church--the gentile Christians associated with the ministry of Paul, the community of the Beloved Disciple, the "Jewish Christians," another "dissident" faction represented by the community around "Mark," and the "head office" in Jerusalem. But it is a sample gift for each to reshape and add to, as each sees fit. "Falling away" from the church is not a new phenomenon. (In 14: 2, Herod Antipas--Philip's brother--had said that Jesus was John the Baptist risen from the dead.). As we celebrate his life and ministry to all. 2:1-7. Jesus focuses on the mouth. For out the heart comes evil intentions, murder, adultery, illicit sex, theft, false witness, slander. The word for "parable" is parabole--literally, "thrown alongside." (It's not for nothing that fishermen were some of Jesus' first supporters.). 27All things have been handed over to me by my Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. Then, his authority and ministry will be affirmed and ratified by God himself in the most powerful way possible. 51 ‘Have you understood all this?’ They answered, ‘Yes.’52And he said to them, ‘Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the master of a household who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.’ 53When Jesus had finished these parables, he left that place. They are the ones who actually give the bread to the crowds. Jesus did not answer her a word--nothing, zip, nada. In verse 18, Jesus calls the story "the parable of the sower." The more progressive school would have us modify the old liturgy, music, and scriptures by cleaning them up and bringing them closer to what we really believe. On the Sundays from September through May each year the texts follow the sweep of the biblical story, from Creation through the early Christian church. (Between November 13 and November 19 Inclusive) Sermon and Liturgy (3) For Ordinary 33 - Proper 28 - Year B Hebrews 10:11-25; Psalm 16; Mark 13:1-8 Background and situation:  Matthew recounts three episodes concerning the passion of Jesus--16: 21-28, 17: 22-33, 20: 17-19. The Word was never absent from the world, and is still present in, with, and under all that is.). Lisle Gwynn Garrity March 3, 2021 progressive worship resources, progressive liturgy, anti-racism resources churches, racial justice, racial reckoning, white supremacy, liturgical art, worship artists, creative process, printmaking, paper lace, original art, denise anderson Comments His one word answer? Liturgies based on the RCL readings for each Sunday of the church year. Matthew means these words as words of reassurance. It thoroughly intends to encourage people along the Way of Jesus, to "learn" that Way and follow it, from which will come a truer and better life. Jesus does, and certainly not food. 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