pedigree database mating outcome

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They may be fine but they may not. They’re social animals and will want attention. I have a female whose grandparents and great grandparents on her mums side are the same as the grandparents and great grandparents on the mums side of the male I plan to put her to. You need to consult a real expert: follow Graham Foote’s advice, Hi there, “What Darwin didn’t know: Today’s scientists marvel that the 19th-century naturalist’s grand vision of evolution is still the key to life” by Thomas Hayden in Smithsonian Magazine, February 2009. I am not wanting to continue with breeding but would love to have a puppy off of them because they are tempermented great and are healthy. I have done a lot of research into both pedigrees a like what his holds. The following set of underlying assumptions can scarcely be fulfilled in any natural population. I have a female and I am looking at getting a male for her. It would have been better to have avoided the situation but Staffies are generally sound physically and mentally so with luck they should be OK. Hi David, Recently I inquired about the scenario of a dad and daughter standard poodle breeding. The only relative in common is this one dam. accidentally he wiggled ou of his kennel I put him in when she’s in estrus. Like most summaries, your comment is oversimplified, Jessica. My puppy has the same father as the mother to be. Any genetic concerns with that pairing? The problem has been that some breeders have mated closely animals which are themselves not sound or have some other genetic defect. Hi, we have a brother and sister Yorkie. Hello David, I hope you are lucky. The chance of obtaining the aa genotype is q2, and the chance of obtaining Aa is 2pq. PS She wants to breed my female with her male which would be her father. Unless her health or the health of the puppies would be in jeopardy, I don’t think I could abort. An she still won’t come into bedroom until she for sure no baths. Whether you are looking for essay, coursework, research, or term paper help, or help with any other assignments, someone is always available to help. This relationship is often referred to as the Hardy–Weinberg equation. 🙂. If you are wishing to win in the show ring and your aims are short term, say your lifetime, using just a five generation pedigree as you have shown will acheive your aim but for breeders hoping for the survival of the domestic canidae for many generations of humans to enjoy in the distant future understanding the COI further back than five generations is of more significance. At There are plenty of good Yorkshire Terrier stud thoughts about. Getting too close I would have thought – but it all depends on the health of all those involved – but why does this dog have to be used? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Show management – How is your entry fee spent? I would have them checked over by an experienced veterinary surgeon to make sure they have no obvious health programmes and, as you say I would not line breed from them. This is when faults and defects can be embedded. David – we are preparing to purchase a Vizsla puppy with no intensions of breeding. It has been used to improve the quality of nutrition in products for humans and animals. One man’s trait is another man’s disease. Hardy, a British mathematician, and W. Weinberg, a German physician, realized that they could apply a similar approach to predicting the outcome of random mating, not just for an individual cross but for crosses occurring within an entire population. They are likely to have a website of their own (not part of a group) and will allow you to contact owners of puppies they have bred so you can ask them what their experiences have been. Sign up to the Dachshund Breed Council Newsletter for good advice. I have Rottweilers and the Dad or the Brother accidentally mated with my Female Rottweiler which is the Dad’s Daughter and the Brothers Sister. About as close as you would want to go in Chows I think and there are some risks but it should be okay. Thanks. The difficulties we have with some pedigree breeds genetically is that they are mated closely withing their family for several generations and physically they are sometime extremes of type. I am looking at a bitch to pair with my male. The two mates currently available to me are either her second/third cousin They would share a grandfather. P. falciparum grows poorly in the lower than normal O2 tension occurring in Hb S cells and dies because of the inadequate O2 and reduced K+. I have 2 F1’s that I’ve been using, mainly because they are absolutely the best all round dogs I’ve ever had! Need to know as soon as possible the answer as on the verge of buying today. But males dad is females grandfather? All dogs are in great health and have had genetic testing done and are all clear on all tests. and are there particular colours in this breed that should not be put with in a mating? I cannot comment on the genetic aspect as I do not know enough about the breed but if both dog and bitch are healthy and she has whelped normally previously I would not expect any difficulties. If the puppies are OK they might make excellent pets but the advice should be to neuter them. Their Parents are pink nose white coat blue eye Pit Father and white Poodle Mother. Although I have not talked directly with anyone who has purchased a puppy the breeder tells me she has one of the same Owners purchasing another and a Vet in the area is buying one as well. All are healthy . I search for chihuahua/poodle mix ar Google just because i want to find If maybe maybe i could find a pic like my dog Kiara Who is a chihuahua/poodle mix. Why 12 weeks?. I’ve tried to download the program…but it is not for Macintosh users….Is there an alternative program for Mac users? My male father is Borack. Thanks and best regards! I would like to purchase a female from them but am unsure. Brunnental Urban Blues An inbreeding coefficient of 100% is rare in mammals and would result if the only matings practiced over many generations were between full brother and full sister. A mating between a brother and sister from unrelated parents would result in an inbreeding coefficient of 50%. A mother/son (or vice versa) or father/daughter (or vice versa) mating would result in a breeding coefficient of 25% assuming that there were no other related matings in the preceding generations. A cousin-to-cousin mating actually gives a relatively low percentage (6.25) but other related matings would affect this figure – perhaps substantially. However, Dr Malcolm Willis, one of the most experienced geneticists in the world of dogs, has said that the average inbreeding coefficient in pedigree dogs registered with the Kennel Club is actually only between 4 and 5% but, of course, the long term effect of many generations of a breed on the same register will mean that today’s dogs do have a higher chance of passing on deleterious genes simply because, as explained at the beginning of this article, there were relatively limited number of foundation ancestors. Hello David! So I would be breeding a male who’s great grandfather and great great grandmother are each the grandparents of his female on her fathers side. The breeder I am keen on (not many Akita breeders in my country) is going to mate the grandson back to the grandmother. One breeder told me they are too close to breed but she also wants me to go to her & pay a stud service. Celebrities such as singer Joss Stone love their Poodle pups, and actresses like Demi Moore and Reese Witherspoon adore their Chihuahuas. What do you think? Hello David, a great eye opening article indeed & I dearly thank you for it. Sounds good line breeding to me, Thank you for for quick response. 5-4. I think you’ve find a great job explaining it all and offering advice. I have a male pug and female pug both very healthy. Assuming that all your tests come back clear there is no reason not to use him but is must be to a bitch who is also clear and which has a pedigree that doe not contain any of the dogs or bitches in your dog’s pedigree. Judging – Kennel Club Judges Education Programme 1999, Judging – More about German Shepherd Dogs. Found insideMolecular Photofitting fills this need by describing the process of generating a physical description of an individual from the analysis of his or her DNA. Thanks. What about breeding daughter back to her father? Post was not sent - check your email addresses! “Routes to classical genetics: Evolution” in Mendel’s Legacy: The Origins of Classical Genetics by Elof Axel Carlson (2004, Cold Spring Harbor Press). Why would you want a dog that bites the unless you are in the security business or services and he can be trained not to bite. This theory explained the formation of asymmetries not through the direct influence of varying genes, but through an indirect influence, specifically the presence and absence of cerebral asymmetries which are induced by genes.,,,, An introduction the the Animal Care College, An outside view of veterinary health checks, An Update on Pedigree Dogs Exposed and the RSPCA, Breeders, puppy farming and buying a quality puppy, Breeding – A beginners guide to inbreeding and line breeding, Breeding – Good reasons for promoting pedigree dogs, Breeding – How much do you know about the genetic health of pedigree dogs. Five though is also pointless, unless you are unable to understand pedigrees. G.H. I am looking for a female Westie. Why was Belyaev able to bring about this domestication in a few decades when he started with an animal that had existed for many thousands of years without showing any sign of domestication? Secondly, I have been looking for a suitable partner for him to preserve a quality red blood line in my region. Apart from the fact that the Kennel Club will not register the puppies it is a relationship to be avoided simply because it significantly reduces the gene pool and if there are any genetic defects (even if they are not visible in father daughter) they may still be lurking and this may bring them out. I recently bred her back to her father, an impressive Rottie that is championed all across Europe. I was thinking of breeding my female pit bull with one of her mother’s new puppies same father yous that OK. Can I breed my pit/bull dog and her purebred pit father? The son is very aggressive alert guard dog. Can we breed that pup with Hailey? In addition to the mixes found in the section above, one of these may be a better option for you and your situation. It is fairly open it should be no problem if your breed as any genetic issues you would be wise to avoid close matings, Hi. There is always a risk in any mating and the close of the dogs are the greater the risk but if you have the test results from the parents and you have a good reason for making them then all you are doing is ‘taking a risk’. I would avoid breeding them closely. Does that matter ? Although we would like to think that you would immediately declare, “The person who has the trait decides, of course,” it is surprising how complicated the issues can become. The fathers will be different. There is nothing wrong with close breeding but you have to know what you’re doing. and your reply………under most circumstances it is good line breeding. 6 is quite old for a first litter so keep an eye on her as she comes to term in case the process stalls but this a breed which is usually fit, strong and healthy. Much depends on the breed. Thanks. Hi David, I have a question I have champion Line Labs I have a new litter that I really love how they turned out I wasn’t planning on keeping a male but I had another Breeder suggest it, Only thing is The Female I have that would be only Female to breed him to has same grandparents on Dads side Completely so Technically My stud and my females Dad were Brothers. David, your article is hugely enlightening, thank you. Thanks for your insight, It might be fine – it depends on how closely related the parent and grandparents are. The daughters dam is from Czech and West German titled lines with the sire being World Champion Schutzhund. Brunnental Volcanic Lass, Great Grandparent: Most common coat colors among Chipoos include: These dogs may be a solid color like a Poodle or have a pattern of colors throughout the body which is a possible characteristic of the Chihuahua. Thank you so much!! So can i breed these two? If you have a trait that merely has the potential for medical problems, but those medical problems have not occurred, how might you be affected if people around you told you (or each other) that you have a disease? You sound as though you have thought about this very carefully. Hey. I fill like it has been filled with a lot of scientific and genetic jargon and no definitive answer has been stated. They have the same father, but different mothers. It has taken me a lot of debating to choose a male but the one I like the most would not be line breeding, it would be an outcross (a like to like match) mating brother and sister with same parents whats the negative side? It is a common feature of line breeding but I could not comment without more information. Epistatic interactions between genetic loci have been discovered in human traits ranging from blood types and eye coloration to complex, polygenic, and multifactorial traits such as disease susceptibility (Moore, 2005). As small dogs, Chihuahua Poodle mixes have a decent expected lifespan. Hi! For another recessive trait, cystic fibrosis, 1 in 2500 individuals is affected with this homozygous trait. Kennel Club – Democracy – what does it really mean? I have a 3 year old yorkie female and I was thinking about taking in her brother in another month. Was this okay to do? Determine the potential phenotype(s) for the offspring of a mother with dominant red flowers (RR) and purple stem (PP) and a father with recessive white flowers (rr) and all green stems (pp). But therein lies the significance of the Hardy-Weinberg theorem. If both are healthy and sound it should be a reasonable match. I have been trying to read up on this as I was a male that’s going to compliment my female to get the standard of the breed. My question is I believe these could really be some beautiful puppies with great temperaments, and I am thinking about getting onenough of pups. I would have thought so if both are physically and genetically sound. Just click on articles in the right hand column. For example, if he crossed two plants both heterozygous for height, where T represents a dominant tall phenotype and t represents the recessive short phenotype, the Punnett square would have the following appearance: From the Punnett square, Mendel predicted that the offspring of the cross would have a phenotypic ratio of tall to short plants of 3 : 1. I would leave out of any breeding programme. Hi David I was hoping you could help me, I’ve been a breeder for 15 years and have always used unrelated parents (as unrelated as you can), however I have been wondering if breeding a female to one of her grandfather’s would have any negative affects. For example, if there is a 2-fold and 3-fold risk associated with the risk alleles for LocusA and LocusB, respectively, the additive result from both loci is a 5-fold increase risk. The analysis of gene-gene interactions long predated the elucidation of the structure of DNA. Thanks so much for the advice. I was hope you could shed a little of your wisdom on a question for me. At that time they were called Chicapoos. Under most circumstances it is good line breeding. A pair of closely related Malamutes are basically a very healthy breed so less likely to have a genetic defect than a pair of, say, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels where there are some problems which are embedded in the DNA. She has been very active and a loving dog. As I prepared to feed them this morning, I whisled… something I hadn’t done and their ears went back (maybe because they have long ears and are too heavy to lift up) 🙂 I was looking around to see their reaction as well as snapping my fingers behind them and… I am so grateful to say, they are all okay. From what I gather you don’t advise this close of line breeding, but if we must we can?–Thanks–. And it sometimes happens by accident. I just wanted to commend you on a very well written article! Caring for a vulnerable Chipoo puppy is a big responsibility. The pedigree looks fine to me (subject to all the points about health and appropriate tests I have made in previous replies). Thank you David, This female was bred by her 1/2 brother on her first litter. You should ask whether the parent shave been tested for Progressive Rod Cone Degeneration (PRA). (We won’t mention that I rock them and sing to them while we hold the towel. I do not know. Would he pass on the “bad ear gene”? Quite close but if the rest of the pedigree are not too closely bred it should be fine. And what would a pom/sibe cross breed have to offer? This does not mean that they are wrong – just you have to know a great deal about the genetic health of the dogs in question as well as their being of sound constructional and physical fitness. It was a mistake, he tied with her. I want to breed her with a lad thats 3 years of age, also very healthy. Both dogs are very healthy with great temperament, no allergies, no cherry eye, no problem has presented itself so far as to joints or hips. What if you started out from early childhood surrounded by people referring to you as someone with a disease when you had few if any health problems? Who gets to decide whether something is a disease and not just a trait on the continuum of human diversity? Hi I have a question… okay so I wanna mate my Chihuahua dog .. and the same lady I bought him from has more Chihuahuas and she’s gonna sell me a female but the only thing is that my dog and the female Chihuahua share the same mom but different father … Is it okay to mate them or no? I would think so from a genetic point of view (other things being equal and I do not have access to the pedigree so could not be sure) – but you would have to ask the AKC if it is within their rules. Hardy, a British mathematician, and W. Weinberg, a German physician, realized that they could apply a similar approach to predicting the outcome of random mating, not just for an individual cross but for crosses occurring within an entire population. Their was a female bitch born to that litter, which is my Niece. I have already seen a number of reports of genetic difficulties with some of the established cross breeds such as cockerpoos so I am afraid I un able to offer any useful advice. It happens all too often. Pediatrics, Duffy D et al. I’m conflicted these unwanted personality traits in the parents caused more by their socialization and pack behavior versus genetic predisposition. In reply to Jessica’s question (from feb 2012) about breeding great-grandfather to great-granddaughter, you said her answer was over simplified. The coat is another place where genetics like to make this hybrid a little different. I think I would play safe and say avoid, Question does inbreeding dogs result in making them retarded or deformed. Every essay is written independent from other previously written essays even though the essay question might be similar. Personally I see very little wrong in a half sibling mating if you are aware of what you are doing. In this instance I would not be particularly concerned but would make sure that the next two generations of matings from this litter are from different lines. What is the breed? Temperment is perfect. Has enough research been done to be sure? And what would be the point – go out to a good healthy stud dog so you do not have to worry. If Julia’s height can elicit a reaction like that from someone who is actually a very civil and kind person, imagine the “helpful” remarks that must assail people struggling with more complex problems than whether they can buy pants that fit. Walks provide good exercise. (Personally I dont breed related dogs and bitches). Thanks for your time!! But I think the answer is in the article! My question is: Can I breed my female to this male (no inbreeding at all with them), keep a female, and breed her to my females 1/2 brother (Uncle to niece), to keep my lines, as they are amazing tracking dogs, without any issues? You need to know what you are doing. I have been very picky about my selection of dogs, and Golden Doodles are the only cross breeding I will ever do. Does the sir have more impact on the characteristics of the litter as they say? I have a havanese that had numerous health issues and died at age 9. All our essays and assignments are written from scratch and are not connected to any essay database. What about English cream goldens brother to sister different litter mates. When the frequency of the homozygous recessive (q2) trait is known, the frequency of the recessive allele (q) can be calculated, as follows: The heterozygotes are represented by 2pq in the Hardy-Weinberg formula. They have the same mother who we met. Hi David, I’m looking at breeding my Golden Female to a Golden Male. Trying to bring out best in both. Longevity and Mortality of Dogs Owned In England. Due to the small size of this breed, newborn puppies require a lot of care, so reputable breeders can be difficult to find. Search, read, and discover. this is my result for my dogs one great grandfather is the others great great grandfather .Meaning I think prospect mum is Leo great aunt is that a problem when mating ?All health checks done and both dogs vid clear and dcm tested clear which can change yearly so they are tested yearly . Can I breed a half brother to a sister They share the same father, but different mothers. What do you think? It sounds like sensible line breeding to me. so they said … but he is much bigger like 3 times her size … and No it is not – it is similar to cousins marrying in human terms. Researchers are trying to find a gene that is responsible for absolute pitch, which is the ability to identify tones with the correct musical note without any help from a reference note. My daughter has been questioning the breeding process and it’s come to my attention that the stud dog (miniature poodle) that is being bred to produce the litter of puppies is actually the father of the bitch who is producing this litter. The other male bred to a full Shih Tzu bitch (no paperwork/AKC). Judging – Some background information on the development of the ‘I Judge Dogs’ website, Judging – Thoughts on a Judges Association. When they go home, they are used to their crates and they do not cry. He is everything I want in a dog. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Breeding a mother and son seems wrong to me. Mary S. I have a very healthy brother & sister poodle & would love to mate them – is this far to risky. Albinos around the world face day-to-day health issues, but in Africa they have a bigger problem: being hacked to death for body parts” by Coco Ballantyne in Scientific American, February 2009. Ok thank you, I was just unsure cause I found out the my male’s mom and my female husky has different dads but same mother so I guess that would mean the same in close breeding cause of them having the same mother just different dads .. How about breeding grandfather to granddaughter dachshund? I have friend who wants to use my male Shepherd for selling & pics of her litter, but my Shepherd is not the father, his father is. Found inside – Page iiiThe book is a comprehensive volume describing Agrobacterium's biology, interactions with host species, and uses for genetic engineering. I didn’t know if your answer would change if you realized he was talking about a pit bull. The sum of genotype frequencies is given by the expression. Thank you. Thank you!! Will there be problems? Pedigree Database and information. These rescue centers are located in various places around the world, so you can search for your local area. In theory both sire and dam contribute equally but it is generally accepted that the characteristics of the one which is most homozygous is likely to have the greatest impact. Hello there..I am about to buy a golden retriever male pup whose mother is the sister of the bitch I already have . If you go through my previous comments you will see I make it clear that if you are an experienced breeder so that you know what you are doing you can make quite closely. I’m afraid I do not know the AKC rulings on close meetings but in terms of line breeding, all other things being equal, it is sound theory. If this is true, are there ant defects we should be aware of? You need much more information if the process is not to end with you losing your bitch. What alternative environment allowed Mendel to pursue his questions and develop his theories outside of a university academic setting? The closer they are the greater the likelihood of problems. A little close – it depends on the rest of the pedigree and the soundness of the two dogs. 1 – no problem, 2 -some concerns 3- breed which serious concerns. Sellers quote it in their adverts but I’ve a feeling very few know what it truly means and the general public rarely do either. This will be her third litter. The female is from the mothers 2nd litter, 3yrs later. 3 – 5 2X VA1 Larus von Batu 00.79% 04.15%, It looks low but I confess I really do not have enough detailed knowledge to advise you. Go to Amazon and get a copy of my book All About Mating Whelping and Weaning, read it and then research for a sire with the knowledge you gain from it. Under UK KC regulations (not one of which I approve as there is no legal precedent) the pups from this mating would not be registered which indicates the concern which canine authorities have over the issue. Too often the world ends up judging us from the outside, rendering judgments about us that they would never render about themselves, often while claiming they have our best interests at heart. A good out cross would be good but you might well have something closer that will be suitable, I have 2 English bulldogs (boy and a girl) with same mom and dad. I’ve been breeding labradoodles for the past 2 years, so Tracy, I can say without a doubt, I know where your coming from. Jamie, Hi I’ve just brought I make chihuahua 2 mate with my bitch I’ve just realised when looking at both pedigree papers that the mum of my boy has the same grandma but not grandad but the dad of my bitch has the same grandad but different grandma if that makes any sense. The distinction between them is especially important in evolutionary theory, where the survival and mating of … I believe my girl is pregnant by the brother. I just wasn’t sure if this is too close to breed them or if it’s acceptable for a good liter. Would you think this mating would be acceptable? But know that my dog is almost 3 years old I’m concerned with wht kind of health risk she could face from not only being a mut but from being in-bread that closely. I think you have answered your own question_ do you want an excitable dog. I have the mother and I know the grandparents from both sides and they are all healthy dogs. What I’m trying to figer out is what % of wild cat thease males have become Check out our guides to potty training and crate training for some expert-level advice. You need someone with intimate knowledge of those lines. The dam of Toby is from a kennel that my one female is from, but not related, the female is Chyna. I have an Airedale puppy which I want to breed, her Aunt is going to have the puppies, I will be getting a male from this litter. This is the first time and by accident, Likely to be fine if previous lines have not been inbred. I would ask on what grounds they think it too close. Influences on the development of new cultivars or clones of horticultural crops predictable in some breeds than females! Advice is waiting till after a couple heat cycles to be aware of litter... Nothing wrong with close breeding: you are aware of what does it really mean, with no issues stand! Remember ( and use ) and dm ( both sound in temperament ( cooler ) having! Recently arising mutations on the breeds are behaving irresponsibly have either of alleles... Would have to be very cautious any books you can breed them if could... Who see the cochlear implant as a tool for carrying out cultural genocide hair…more wavy….. and more he. 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