micropublication impact factor

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The impact score (IS), also denoted as Journal impact score (JIS), of an academic journal is a … This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue "Mechanisms of Mitotic Chromosome Segregation" that was published in Biology Ciccarese P, Wu E, Wong G, Ocana M, Kinoshita J, Ruttenberg A, Clark T: The SWAN biomedical discourse ontology. Foods, Broods, and Moods: The Impact of Genetics on Society (FYS 236) Research Interests My scientific interests focus on the regulation of gene function; in particular, I am interested in how factors such as packaging of DNA into chromatin and organization of genes within genomes may affect gene expression in eukaryotic organisms. 2013, London: Independent Print Ltd, [http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/the-bad-science-scandal-how-factfabrication-is-damaging-uks-global-name-for-research-8660929.html]. Lu Z: PubMed and beyond: a survey of web tools for searching biomedical literature. 2010, 5 (4): e9979-, Bacon F: Francis Bacon: The New Organon. Any bibliographic management software can implement micropublications. It consists of a knowledgebase, parsers, web services, proxy server and browser-based interface. Entities are things which may be discussed, real or imaginary. including the empirical evidence. Note that challenges relationships originate from elements of the SupportGraph of the Micropublication in which they occur. Here, the Argument Source for the BEL statement is a tuple from a relational database, consisting of the statement text and a reference to the source document, its PubMed ID. 2012, 73 (4): 685-697. Recommended for all microbiology laboratories, this book contains cutting-edge reviews by world-leading experts on the systems biology of microorganisms. At the same time they will add significant value to, and are intentionally compatible with, statement-based formalizations. If Data supports a Statement, that Statement is supportedByData. the supporting Evidence indicated by D1, M1 and M2. © 2021 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. Found inside – Page 15Impact By Jackie Potts Computer Specialist Social Security Administration The marriage of electronics and micrographics ... reports that source - document microfiche and micropublishing are growing at an annual rate of over 40 percent . We outline this situation in Case 2. i Then for MP3 its micropublication we have. All of our published content is peer-reviewed and Data Notes receive additional checks by the Springer Nature Research Data team. Science. This process includes collective investigation and assessment, and may involve controversy, uncertainty, overthrow of settled opinion, and gradual convergence over time on a “current best explanation”[29]. In scientific argumentation, a publication in Science, Nature, etc. R48, R49 and R50 are document-level citations. The Claim is supported here by both a Statement paraphrasing another finding in the literature, and by Data. This allows us to create extended graphs showing the basis in evidence for claims in the literature, even when they are deeply buried in chains of citations. We then provide a use case centered on abstracting single articles (use case 4). #micropublications. The supporting Representations which are elementOf the Micropublication will be in its SupportGraph; challenging elements, will be in its ChallengeGraph. Topic-centric claim networks may be equivalent to domain-centric knowledgebasees, if all claims having common meaning, but different wording, can be made functionally equivalent (use case 5). We have incorporated a number of features in our model to enable presentation of empirical scientific evidence; therefore including data, not just assertions, as information supporting a statement; as well as other required features for scientific discourse. Micropublications show the graph of support for a Statement, including the author’s Data and Methods, constituted by a set of supports relations in the SupportGraph. The Literary Structure of Scientific Argument: Historical Studies. The backing Claims in the two cited publications are in turn connected directly to supporting primary scientific evidence, which may be inspected. Genome Biol. Claims ultimately must be based on data, and data must be based on reproducible methods. Neuron. Motivation: Annotation and discussion of scientific literature is increasingly conducted on the Web. It is based on Scopus data. Gardner D, Akil H, Ascoli GA, Bowden DM, Bug W, Donohue DE, Goldberg DH, Grafstein B, Grethe JS, Gupta A, Halavi M, Kennedy DN, Marenco L, Martone ME, Miller PL, Muller HM, Robert A, Shepherd GM, Sternberg PW, Van Essen DC, Williams RW: The neuroscience information framework: a data and knowledge environment for neuroscience. Bio Ontologies 2011. Cell. Use Case: The base use case for Example 2 is to enhance citable Claims with supporting Data and reproducible Methods. As in the case of ordinary textual Claims citing entire documents, it is then laborious to reconstruct the actual Backing when need arises. We hope that other researchers will see the utility of one or more elements of this model for their own use cases of choice, and apply it. Clark T, Kinoshita J: Alzforum and SWAN: the present and future of scientific web communities. An argument (therefore a micropublication) argues a principal claim, with statements and/or evidence deployed to support it. But this document-level reference can be resolved to a Claim-level reference as shown in Figure 15 and further to a network via its similogs. Thus, for scientists working on malaria over a century ago, a statement about supposed malarial vectors without supporting empirical evidence, would not have been robust enough to enable evaluation, and thus could not have motivated reasoned belief. Int J Alzheimers Dis. Expect on average 3 weeks from submission to publication. There is no suggestion in the current specification that nanopublications may be applied directly to ordinary scientific articles, nor that they are designed to present primary scientific evidence – although more expansive claims have been made elsewhere in the literature[22, 23]. Edited by: Clark T, Luciano JS, Marshall MS, Prdu'hommeaux E, Stephens S. 2009, Berlin, 26 Oct 2009, Washingon DC: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, Hunter A: Hybrid argumentation systems for structured news reports. Minimal form of a micropublication: formalizing a statement and its attribution. 2010[67]. Artif Intell. In use cases such as bibliographic management tools, much of the required modeling work is already done in everyday use of the existing tools. 2009, Dordrecht: Springer. Shapin S: Pump and circumstance: Robert Boyle's literary technology. Krallinger M, Vazquez M, Leitner F, Valencia A: Results of the BioCreative III (Interaction) Article Classification Task. Needham M, Mastaglia FL, Garlepp MJ: Genetics of inclusion-body myositis. While a citation of an entire article may be acceptable as a temporary measure, reflecting pragmatic boundaries, ultimately we wish to have the full claim network at hand. Bio Ontologies 2010: July 9–13, 2010. We use this and related articles as exemplars in our presentation and discussion. D1 is a composite image of graphs produced from the primary data. In the case of nanopublications, this particular model is currently presented (on a technical level) mainly for data integration across chemical and biological databases. 2009, Dordrecht: Springer, Baroni P, Cerutti F, Giacomin M, Simari GR: Computational Models of Argument. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. It is based on the notion that scientific communications in form and content are a “literary technology”[29],which mediates collaboration and exchange of knowledge amongst scientists. The impact score (IS), also denoted as Journal impact score (JIS), of an academic journal is a measure of the yearly average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal. Broitman-Maduro G, Owraghi M, Hung WWK, Kuntz S, Sternberg PW, Maduro MF. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, Impact Factor of 2020: 26.132. The critical element of support in science is empirical scientific evidence. But the present model does not require a central curator - it is designed to support a collaborative ecosystem, which is a scalable model. Comments: We believe micropublications will most commonly be created as semantic annotations on published articles, as this is backward-compatible with the existing publication ecosystem[67]. The models in these case studies constitute a set of design patterns. The NK-2 class homeodomain factor CEH-51 and the T-box factor TBX-35 have overlapping function in C-elegansmesoderm development. These can be made even more problematic as they are repeatedly cited and transformed in claim networks. In this case, it is not. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 2006, 13 (3/4): march2007-altman [http://www.dlib.org/dlib/march07/altman/03altman.html]. Groups of similar statements are equivalence classes, defined as having "sufficient" closeness in meaning to a representative exemplar, or Holotype Claim.A Holotype, or representative of the genus, is selected as a matter of convenience and exemplification, to stand for the common meaning of the Statements in a similarity group, as shown in Figure 12. However, this transition brings with it many new problems, in the context of an exponentially increasing, intractable volume of publications[1, 2]; of systemic problems relating to valid (or invalid) citation of scientific evidence[3, 4]; rising levels of article retractions[5, 6] and scientific misconduct[7]; of uncertain reproducibility and re-usability of results in therapeutic development[8], and lack of transparency in research publication[9]. Edited by: Eisinger N, Maluszynski J. 2007. It can be readily seen that Needham et al.’s[121] claim that “[t]he accumulation of APP and its fragments is often stated to precede other abnormalities in IBM muscle fibers…”, made in a respected journal, is based only on citations to one laboratory, which repeatedly self-cites, and whose supposed foundational references are nothing but hypotheses, if that. Then for the MP12 formalization of a12 we have. This means that each set of disparately motivated and rewarded activities, carried out by various actors, creates and passes along value to the next, which consumes this value-added product as an input. Bryan et al. This is required if it is to be effective. Examples include: Biological Expression Language (BEL) statements[18]; SWAN, a model for claims and hypotheses in natural language developed for the annotation of scientific hypotheses in Alzheimers Disease (AD) research[14, 19–21]; and nanopublications[22–26], which contribute to the Open PHACTS linked data warehouse of pharmacological data[26]. We call these Statements similogs of one another. 2000, 20 (11): 4050-4058. Furthermore, the fact that formalization of assertions is required, is likely an impediment to such direct use. None of these models provide a means to transitively close claim lineages to underlying empirical evidence – because they do not represent it. An Agent is an Entity that makes, modifies, consumes or uses an Artifact. Producing a digital abstract of a publication. Springer We also wish to thank the anonymous reviewers at J Biomed Semantics, for their close reading and careful critique of the manuscript. Note: The impact score shown here is equivalent to the average number of times documents published in a journal/conference in the past two years have been cited in the current year (i.e., Cites / Doc. Nat Biotechnol. It has a growing network of contributors, from both academia and industry. This sets us up to be able to transitively close the network. Found inside – Page 3015N77-32019 # Adjutant General Center , Washington , D. C. IMPLEMENTATION OF MICROPUBLISHING , ARMY CONCEPT AND TECHNOLOGY ( IMPACT ) Final Report , Feb. 2012, Palo Alto CA: Stanford University. Careful readers do this for important points – or may have the relevant citations already memorized. The ISWI chromatin remodelling factor NURF is not required for mitotic male X chromosome organisation. Claim lineages are chains of citing/cited claims. The challenges property is inferred when a Representation either directlyChallenges another, or indirectlyChallenges it by undercutting (directlyChallenges) a Representation which support s it. Micropublications represent scientific arguments. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. We are pleased to report the 2016 Journal Impact Factors, which were published by Clarivate Analytics in the latest edition of the Journal Citation Reports ®. the Claim is C1.1, “rapamycin … an inhibitor of the mTOR pathway…”, derived from “Harrison et al. OPEN PEER REVIEW. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. The IS0 4 standard abbreviation of IEEE Micro is IEEE Micro. https://doi.org/10.1186/2041-1480-5-28, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/2041-1480-5-28. The user interface (UI) for this plugin is shown in Figure 21, using the Spilman et al. #Open Source. Database. rapamycin inhibits mTOR (taken from the literature); PDAPP mice are a good (Spilman actually says “established”) model of human Alzheimer Disease pathology (also from the literature); and. 2014; Shi et al. Support is provided by the cited Reference, which was retrieved and instantiated as an annotatable object when Domeo loaded the citing publication. However, Attribution alone is weak support. BMC Bioinformatics. The number of contributing reviewers often outnumbers the authors of publications in several fields. Micropublications: a semantic model for claims, evidence, arguments and annotations in biomedical communications. Comments: Any scientific statement with an attribution may be formalized as a citable claim using the micropublication model. Google ScholarÂ, Besnard P, Hunter A: Elements of Argumentation. The Paradox Of Hearing At The Lek: Auditory Sensitivity Increases After Breeding In Female Gray Treefrogs (Hyla Chrysoscelis), Journal Of Comparative Physiology A, Alexander T. Baugh, M. A. Bee, and M. D. Gall. Then for the corresponding micropublication MP7, we have. Our team developed the Domeo web document annotation toolkit[17, 81, 98], now in version 2 release, for this purpose. Resolution of claims to their support in data and methods, including research reagents, is an important new feature, not provided by our previous SWAN model (see Section A.3 in Additional file3 for a detailed comparison of micropublications to the SWAN model). Recent approaches to diagnosis and pathogenesis, and relation to aging. Askanas V, Engel WK, Bilak M, Alvarez RB, Selkoe DJ: Twisted tubulofilaments of inclusion body myositis muscle resemble paired helical filaments of Alzheimer brain and contain hyperphosphorylated tau. 2011, 6 (9): e24357-. Why the impact factor of journals should not be used for evaluating research. The micropublication format provides benefits beyond professional education of students. Exposure to organophosphates reduces the expression of neurotrophic factors in neonatal rat brain regions: similarities and differences in the effects of chlorpyrifos and diazinon on the fibroblast growth factor superfamily. Clark T, Ciccarese P, Attwood T, Waard A, Pettifer S: A Round-Trip to the Annotation Store: Open, Transferable Semantic Annotation of Biomedical Publications. Hint: It's not the same as your colleagues or science journals. This compact book offers the reasons and information that can help scientific writers adopt new habits to be successful and happy writing for a non-science audience. Soc Sci Comput Rev. http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/the-bad-science-scandal-how-factfabrication-is-damaging-uks-global-name-for-research-8660929.html, http://www.openphacts.org/documents/publications/OpenPHACTS_Nanopublication_Guidlines_v1.8.1.pdf, http://bio-ontologies.knowledgeblog.org/297, http://www.w3.org/wiki/images/c/c4/AO_paper_Bio-Ontologies_2010_preprint.pdf, http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/bizer/wiqa/swp/SWP-UserManual.pdf, http://www.dlib.org/dlib/march07/altman/03altman.html, Additional file 1:OWL Vocabulary and RDF Examples. Scientific publications are documentary representations of defeasible arguments, supported by data and repeatable methods. Software implementation: Creating a micropublication in Domeo version 2. The impact factor is used to compare different journals within a certain field. They illustrate how and why currently proposed “statement-based” approaches need richer representation and how this model can play such a role. However, no new measures have emerged at a level that can be realistically adopted. PDAPP mice are an established model of human Alzheimer Disease. , , etc., are abbreviations for the respective fully-qualified URIs. The ISSN of IEEE Micro is 2721732. J Eval Clin Pract. 115(6):909-16. Plural form of micropublication. (“rapamycin … an inhibitor of the mTOR pathway…”), shown as C1.1 in Figures 10 and11. The base classes, predicates and DL-safe rule defintions of the full model, are given in Section A.1, Class, Predicate and Rule Definitions for Micropublications of Additional file2. a Use Case analysis mapped to sets of common activities in the biomedical communications ecosystem, showing the potential value addition and path to implementation of the proposed model for each Use Case; illustrative examples instantiating the model for each Use Case; notes on an interface to nanopublications and other statement-based formalizations; discussion on how the model can support reproducibility and verifiability in research; on implementation in software; and relationship to other work; and. A Representation may be a Sentence, Data, Method, Micropublication, Attribution, or ArticleText. 2010, 8 (2–3): 196-202. Simkin MV, Roychowdhury VP: A mathematical theory of citing. CAG supervised the research, and critiqued and edited several versions of this publication, including the present one. Springer, 2021. Electronic Commerce for Development. 2012, 483 (7391): 531-533. But Spilman et al. 2007, 35 (5): 549-561. A user begins by defining individual Statements and their support. Statements may be supported by other Statements, or by Data. In Example 1 this would be the actual document referred to by the citation[109]. Nature. Bioinformatics. View full text PDF listing >> ; Molecular neurodegeneration; Vol … the supporting Evidence indicated by D1, M1 and M2 in Figure 8. This book on digital communications and networks covers in detail some existent theories and innovative concepts, such as wireless communications, networking, information security, signal processing, synchronization and scheduling issues in ... Nat Biotechnol. It asserts the (new) support relationships between C1.1/S1, and C2.1/S2. HYLAND K: Writing without conviction? The Biological Expression Language (BEL)[18] is one example of such a formalism, which is used to construct knowledgebases of molecular interactions by the pharmaceutical industry. Implementation: Micropublications once instantiated, embody individual arguments, which in turn may be composed by resolution of references. This is done by highlighting the desired Statement, clicking “annotate” and selecting “micropublications” as the type of annotation. Department of Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego, CA, 92093, USA. So for example, the relation between data and its interpretation in a textual statement is called support, as is the relationship between a statement and the reference cited to justify it. The minimal representation is a single identified statement, where attribution is attached to both the statement and the identification. Some Journals considers all the manuscripts submissions as a basis of acceptance rate computation. December 2006 My original idea was to create a photo series based on the artists and their workspaces throughout the building, mostly focussing on the first year studios and artists. Cite this article. impact score of joule may rise in 2021 as well. (2 years)). 2003, 19 (Suppl 1): i180-i182. 2011, 2011: baq036-. Figure 1 shows an example of a nanopublication which attempts to express the assertion from Spilman et al. Our contribution here is to provide an integrated approach to linking reagents and data directly and lucidly to the scientific claims they support. Learn Publishing. Altman M, King G: A proposed standard for the scholarly citation of quantitative data. Leitner F, Mardis S, Krallinger M, Cesareni G, Hirschman L, Valencia A: An Overview of BioCreative II.5. If the source of the statement is trusted, that may be enough to induce belief. Fang et al. Clark T, Goble C, Ciccarese P: Discoveries and Anti-Discoveries on the Web of Argument and Data. IEEE Article Greenberg SA: Understanding belief using citation networks. article has some notes, comments, or observations to record – for example, about applicability of the Spilman result to drug discovery and development. Love words? Developers and architects who wish to explore further uses of this model, including modifications and new applications, are invited to contact and discuss with the authors. The micropublications ontology may be accessed at http://purl.org/mp/. Updated Impact Factors for MDPI Journals ... Coatings received a first Impact Factor; Cancers was included in the Science Citation Index Expanded earlier this year and is due to receive an Impact Factor in the 2018 release of the Journal Citation Reports. ... Metals: 1.984: 13/74 (Q1) 127/275 (Q2) Recently, many have questioned whether researchers should be evaluated based on impact factors. Welcome to the Hark Lab! Both the J6 and the J20 lines are from the same lab. This model should support: digital summarization, evidence examination, challenge, verification and remix, and incremental adoption. The h-index is defined as the maximum value of h such that the given journal/author has published h papers that have each been cited at least h number of times. 2012, Basel Switzerland: S. Karger, 194-, Bryan KJ, Lee H-g, Perry G, Smith MA, Casadesus G: Transgenic Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s Disease: Behavioral Testing and Considerations. 2007, 6 (7): 620-631. Citable Claims could be constructed most economically at the point where researchers read and take notes upon, or search for backing for their own assertions in, the domain literature of their field. This allows consistency/inconsistency relations to be asserted – and selectively consumed - at any point in the ecosystem. A Claim is the main Statement argued by a Micropublication. He is the primary author of the OWL vocabulary and RDF examples based on the abstract model, and of this publication as a whole. Both of these problems, particularly that of poor reagent specificity, can be highlighted readily in micropublications, because of the ability to cite both data and methods (reagents). 1996, Belgium: University of Leuven, Sanderson R, Ciccarese P, Sompel HVD, Clark T, Cole T, Hunter J, Fraistat N: Open Annotation Core Data Model Community Draft, 09 May 2012. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 0.649. Use: Using Similarity groups, a set of claims may be defined as having "sufficient" closeness in meaning to a representative exemplar, or Holotype claim. 2006, [http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/bizer/wiqa/swp/SWP-UserManual.pdf], Bandrowski AE, Cachat J, Li Y, Müller HM, Sternberg PW, Ciccarese P, Clark T, Marenco L, Wang R, Astakhov V, Grethe JS, Martone ME: A hybrid human and machine resource curation pipeline for the Neuroscience Information Framework. The foundational publications, which would be expected to contain supporting data, do not. So, In conclusion, here are the list of the top 10 microbiology journals with the highest impact factors in 2020. This Special Issue will be edited by Drs. The overall rank of IEEE Micro is 7744. Proceedings 8th International Semantic Web Conference, Workshop on Semantic Web Applications in Scientific Discourse Volume 523. 2000, 59 (7): 592-598. In the example, MP6 quotes C3, S1, S2, C1.1 and C2.1. 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