ya ali madad ismaili

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Ismailiworld News Timeline; Suggested Link. Such an interesting article and also a reminder to always say “Ya Ali Madad” at all times. Aga Khan and Ismaili ressources. Ayaz — Yes it would, because then we know that Hazar Imam’s help is always available to us. Naguib — Yes, that’s right. A hadith attributed to Prophet Muhammad (saws). Gradually, the terms Ya Ali Madad and Mawla Ali Madad became a salutation in the Ismaili circles in India, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria and Central Asia. It’s a Tasbih because we remember Allah and we remember Hazar Imam. I was born and grew up in Tajikistan, where religion was forbidden during the Soviet Times. Naguib — Well just as ‘Goodmorning’, ‘Goodafternoon’ and others are greetings in the English culture, so Ya Ali Madad is a greeting in our Ismaili culture. Your feedback may be edited for length and brevity, and is subject to moderation. Mum and dad will be really surprised to night when I say Ya Ali Madad instead of ‘Goodnight’. You’ll be surprised if I tell you that I greeted 5 children under the age of 8 yrs in Jamatkhana and after unsatisfactory responses, I asked them & surprisingly 4 of them told me that they have never been told about this greeting in the ITREB classes that they are attending every Saturday. 2020-04-22T14:20:35Z Comment by habiba sufi. 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Learn about Early Childhood Development; Join a Learning Centre; Parenting Resources; Engage in Academic Coaching and Enrichment Children. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. When I recently gave some duashish to a young memeber of jamat, they replied ‘thank you’ instead of saying Amen. I will make a point to remind them. is not merely a polite and courteous way to acknowledge another Ismaili’s presence. Wherever Ismailis travel in the world, they feel at home when greeted by fellow Ismailis with the Arabic phrase: “Ya Ali Madad”. Well, I guess I’d better go now. 2020-02-27T05:43:53Z > > Ya Ali Madad, > > > > For the first time ever I visited an old age nursing home today, > here > > in Toronto, Canada. Ismaili Children's Songs. Programs & Services. 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