I have asked you before, why can’t we see each other?”, Medusa thought for a moment. After Samuel's death and burial with due mourning ceremonies in Ramah, Saul had driven all necromancers and magicians from Israel. As the story unfolds love triangles develop, plot twists unfold and suspense and action will make you cling to the pages. I attend The Panhandle Writer’s Club on Thursday nights to improve my skill and help others do the same. "Witch of Endor, ten-gun cutter." Related Videos. Her hand was only inches from the edge of the tapestry that separated them. There are character names where I have mixed up the letters to where if the reader can rearrange the letters it will reveal the character’s true identity. The underlying idea is that God is using the curse of Cain as a form of justice, because in my story, vampires are attracted to the evil-doer. They cannot simply wander the halls unsupervised or they might turn your suiters to stone.”. You could say that magic helped heal her.”, “Can’t she use this magic to heal you, too?”, “She has tried, but I was born different, Paleus. Hornblower manned it with a work gang consisting of British prisoners of war and returned to the Channel Fleet. She grew up speaking with the dead and later developed magic around puberty. Maybe he could see me and not turn to stone…he is different, stronger, and faster, and his body heals more quickly than the other boys. Directed by Jim Wheat, Ken Wheat. “That’s my girl. She moved over near the curtains that extended the length of one side of the chamber. The looks they have frozen upon their faces… well, they look terrified! The wicked person’s blood is sweeter to the taste of a vampire. The Torah tells us that mediums must be put to death (Exod. 10; April 25, 2017 ; Project Description. 1 Samuel 28:7. Her fingers grasped the corner of the beautiful curtains that separated Paleus’ cell from the rest of the chamber. 64 Bible Verses about Who Was The Witch Of Endor Leviticus 20:27 ESV / 10 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful “A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. He is the first vampire. Science Fiction and Fantasy authors and artists and more. Medusa clenched her fists as she glared at them briefly before smiling at her mother. I do not want to give away his motive or how he can walk by day or control werewolves however. Did you know that according to the National Retail Federation “the witch has been the bestselling adult (Halloween) costume for the past 10 years, followed closely by the vampire, pirate, nurse and Batman?” Think of a leper…”. Also, in Greece, the government changed over to new Archons which were their rulers. “Your fingers are lovely. She appears very beautiful to me. I am starting to find that I am different like him.”. The Witch of Endor You will find her story in: 1 Samuel 28. (The Lost Books of the Bible Ch LXXIX vs 16-20.) He also accidentally killed his young son that dreadful day. Will he be turned to stone? The blood’s the life, the life’s the blood. Lilith awakes burned terribly. You have always been nice to me even though we have never seen each other. Medusa paused and then she began to reach for the edge of the curtain, but down the hallway, the white statues of the boys who had been turned to stone caught her eye, and she froze, uncertain. I have not seen any scars on her skin, at least not on her face and neck or her hands and arms.”, “Mother is skilled at magic. The artwork was amazing and I have this online interview with Dr Robert Wheeler, who wrote “The Witch of Endor” and also has some other amazing books out. My books can be purchased through my website www.rkwheeler.com or from amazon.com. “But I’m not like that, Medusa! Lamech on the other hand is captured by Maldivar Accludar, a renegade vampire who has learned to walk in daylight and who can control werewolves. The following is an excerpt from my novel, The Witch of Endor: Vampires. As far as the love story a reader may be more inclined to “Twilight” as comparison with my story. In the meantime, Adonis and Festinia have had a child.”, “A boy the message said. Lilith laughed at the tickling touch. When I read the Old Testament about King Saul visiting The Witch of Endor to raise the dead prophet Samuel to speak with him, I thought, who was this woman? Why do they look so, if I am beautiful?” Medusa started to cry. I was taught many of the natives in the area of their folklore and legends, which inspired part of my first book, Scions of Azazyel: War in Heaven and a short story taken from that novel called, The Gnomes of Nome. They entered the land and set up camp. Marauders raid the Ewok village and steal a power supply they believe to be magical. 15 years pass. When I first saw the artwork and depth of books by an author named Robert Wheeler I was very impressed. I have received great reviews which can be looked at on amazon.com, frankfrisson.com, theredheadedbookloverblog.com, indiebookreviews.com, and onlinebookclub.com. He is different too. “Yes Mommy,” they said in unison, rolling their eyes. Lilith paused, thinking of the painful memory. Lilith joins Lamech in eternal night and for a time they are happy together. Cindel and the Ewok Wicket escape and in a forrest they meet Teek a … King Saul now rules the land of Israel. The only concession to fairytale is the presence of an actual wicked witch, called Charal. Why would you need to ask such a thing?”, “If I am beautiful, then why did father leave us?”. He said to the medium, "Bring me up Samuel." With Wilford Brimley, Warwick Davis, Aubree Miller, Siân Phillips. Witch of Endor 1 Samuel 28:1-25 The Philistines started their massive invasion of Israel. 22:18; Lev. I am sure that they have brought him along, and you will get to meet him tonight. (Genesis 4:16-22.) They flee Israel as King David is hunting down all who can wield magic. Their eyes shone brightly in anticipation of their mother’s love. I was crippled as a child and I shared empathy for Medusa in the story, knowing how hard it is to be shunned and mistreated. The parents and the brother of Cindel all die in this attack. Although sunlight burns their skin terribly it will not kill them. She is called אֵ֥שֶׁת בַּֽעֲלַת־אֹ֖וב בְּעֵ֥ין דֹּֽור (’êšeṯ ba‘ălaṯ-’ōḇ bə-‘Êndōr), "a woman who has a familiar spirit at Endor" in the Biblical Hebrew languag… The Witch of Endor was a woman who called up the ghost of the recently deceased prophet Samuel, at the demand of King Saul of the Kingdom of Israel in the First Book of Samuel, chapter 28:3–25. The story begins in an old abandoned house in Greece. Will the coven survive the assault from the werewolves and their vampire master? Her fingers wrapped around the edge of the thick fabric. !” Paleus blurted out before she could finish. See more ideas about witch of endor, endor, witch. When Samuel grew older, he made judges of his sons to help him rule the people. The Witch of Endor was a Royal Navy cutter that was taken by the French Navy as a prize and docked at Nantes. Your wound healed quickly, in only a couple of hours. He … After kissing them upon their cheeks, she sat them back down once more upon the smooth stones before turning to leave. So Saul sought out the spirit of Satan because he did not get an answer from God. Explore {{searchView.params.phrase}} by color family {{familyColorButtonText(colorFamily.name)}} saul at the witch of endor (1 samuel 28) - witch of endor stock illustrations. If he turned to stone, I could never forgive myself. I was scared at first when I was brought here, but you and your mom have been real nice to me, and she lets me out into the open courtyard at dawn, and I get to play with the other boys until just after dark.”, “I know. Playing next. Medusa is deformed and to my knowledge, no one has ever tried to write from her perspective and her struggles with being different and not being able to show herself to mortals or to love and be loved (other than her mother, Lilith). Lilith though severely burned, is washed ashore in Greece, where Lilith starts a coven. You are special mother says. Lilith smiled at her children before racing away. Lilith walked over and embraced her eldest daughter, “There, there, my child. I need you to watch them until I get back. I get that from my father I suppose. Half his face, one arm, one leg and his chest on the right side are burned and disfigured. Will Medusa show herself to Paleus? I write between patients and sometimes after work or on the weekend. King Saul and his servants hurry to Endor. Are you burned Medusa? Later it speaks of Lamech although only in apocryphal texts does it name the man whom he killed that day, but it does imply in Genesis that it was Cain. The coven has grown to twelve members before Maldivar finds their crypt. Over a thousand years ago, Jewish thinkers debated this famous biblical story. One of my poems was published in an anthology and made it to the semifinals of Poetry Nation’s contest. Medusa struggles growing up without her father and being raised by vampires. Half his body is scarred. (1 Samuel 28:3-7.). Will the vampires discover Maldivar’s motive and how he is able to walk by day unharmed and control werewolves in time to survive? She struggles with many of the same image complexes as young girls do today, only in a much more startling way. Lamech meets Lilith 17 years before in Isreal in the city of Endor. You look like you have fun together.”, “I watch you when you are asleep, and I watch you play in the courtyard with the other boys. Medusa pulled her hand away from the curtain looking sad. The Sheriff, however, realises that Jennet has been set … 1 Samuel 28:7. What is it, my love?”, “Of course you are my darling! Apr 27, 2017 - Free Bible Lesson Plans, Cartoons, and Puzzles for parents and teachers. Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest Email. He seeks to hunt down the other vampires and destroy them. The legends of Medusa and Satyrs and such grew up around Lilith and her children in my story. Witch of Endor Biblical, Hebrew, reputedly flourished circa 1020 B.C.E. 20:27). “Who will watch your sisters then? Lilith is a strong woman for she was teased, shunned and tormented as a child. I love Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” as well. This will otherwise not be revealed until later in the series. This is a short study of 1 Samuel 28. The Witch of Endor became an important legend for Judaism, Christianity, and pagan spiritual practitioners. Upon finding a woman in Endor who claimed to consult with the dead, the king disguised himself and went to see her. Fun for kids to print and test their knowledge. I can’t. If he covers his burns he can pass through the crowd with only brief stares at his bandages, but if he removes them, he is mocked and feared.”, “That is sort of what it is like for me, only worse. She had grown used to being startled sometimes by her mother and Fedora as they seemed to almost appear and reappear when they were in a hurry, but this had happened less frequently since the twins were born as it still frightened them. Will Lamech escape Maldivar? A year after its capture, the Witch of Endor was recaptured by Hornblower, Bush, and Brown during their escape from French captivity. According to the Book of Samuel in the Old Testament, the Witch of Endor possessed an unusual power: she owned a talisman with which she could summon the dead. Witch Of Endor Bible King Activities Adventure Anime Movie Posters Art Biblia However, unbeknown to both of them when two vampires have a child the curse of Cain deforms the children who are born as hybrids, gorgon’s, satyrs, centaurs and the like. Witch of Endor: Cutter: 10: 6 lb: Post-captain: Flying Colours: Liberates the previously captured Witch with the help of Bush, Brown and a gang of prisoners, and escapes from France to England. Robert Lamb. “Remember when you were injured last week. Will Lilith ever find love again? Witch of Endor. There are several lessons we can learn from this story. Samuel is bowed. Only 120 were accepted out of 3300 submissions. First, be patient. That is until she met Lamech who also could see the dead, although they would not answer to him like to her. She loves her mother and her little sisters, although they drive her crazy as siblings often do. We will find you a suitor one day, I promise. Share. She wants so much to love a boy and to be able to show herself to him. She is strikingly beautiful but had never been in love because men would not stay with her for long as they feared the spirits and her magic. Lilith is the Witch of Endor. The witch of Endor is alone when the spirit of prophet Samuel appears, and she can clearly hear his voice. She is 16 years old for the majority of the story. The Witch of Endor, painted in 1777 The gates of Sheol are parted, and Samuel appears. He had never fallen in love again until around 900 BC he meets Lilith who is the Witch of Endor that King Saul of Isreal visited to raise the spirit of Samuel the Prophet from the dead. She was spoken of in 1 Samuel in the Old Testament. He can offer no hope to his former favorite, Saul. Wicket helps Cindel escape the evil witch Charal, and they … Feb 25, 2017 - Explore Hannah Bereber's board "Witch of endor" on Pinterest. Through thick curtains, Medusa and Paleus get to know one another and fall for one another. Directed by Ian Sharp. Lilith thought that Lamech had abandoned them. “Yes, I guess that’s true…if I am different, and since we are friends, then why can’t I see you? 13:59. Apr 15, 2017 - Free Bible Lesson Plans, Cartoons, and Puzzles for parents and teachers. Witch of Endor, Edward Henry Corbould Corbould seems to have drawn on a gypsy woman for inspiration for his witch. Feel free to share with others, too! Science Fiction and Fantasy discussion, promotion of indie and unknown authors, artists, and creative works, movies, games, and various other topics of interest. I have just had two poems and a short story published by Red Cape Publishing in their magazine this month. William Bush to Horatio Hornblower[src] The Witch of Endor was a Royal Navy cutter that was taken by the French Navy as a prize and docked at Nantes. I received a bachelors in Nutrition in 1995 from Life College in Marietta, GA. On the left the witch sits on an owl throne, busy with magic arts within a magic circle. I earned my Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 1998 from Life University in GA. “You have leprosy? She prepared to pull it back, to finally see her friend, face-to-face. I have done this in The Witch of Endor. Lilith’s name also comes from Hebrew legends, but I do not want to spoil any future reveal in the series. A year after its capture, the Witch of Endor was recaptured by Hornblower, Bush, and Brown during their escape from French captivity. Lilith seeks to find a suitor for her daughter, but thus far every boy she has shown to her has turned to stone. The book is currently being converted to audiobook and is scheduled for completion the end of July. Mount Zion Faith Ministries Int'l. He is stronger and faster than other men. I want to meet you.”. Saul gathered his army and made preparations for war. Browse 55 witch of endor stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. On the far right a devil with a winch. Medusa sat before a mirror turning her head from side to side. “Every mortal that you have allowed to meet me has turned to stone Mother. Saul and the Witch of Endor, Saul with the witch of Endor. I grew up around Pensacola Florida. Her face is in shadow, but her summoning hand is still raised. “Yes dear I am here, but I must go to council soon. She speaks with the dead and controls magic. Upon finding a woman in Endor who claimed to consult with the dead, the king disguised himself and went to see her. I mean we are friends, and we’ve never met. I always loved Ann Rice’s book “Interview with a Vampire” and the movie. Agreed?”, “Alright Mother, I will watch my sisters, and I will spend some time talking with Paleus.”. The Gnomes of Nome and The Witch of Endor are both being converted to audiobook and should be available on itunes, audible and amazon the end of July or first part of August. How do people treat your uncle when they see him?”, “He is shunned, people are frightened by him. She also appears in the Jewish Book of Sirach (46:19-20). The ship exploded, and we were separated. You and your sisters are beautiful, but you are different. Witches and devils fly through the air. She cannot recall how she got there, where her baby is and what happened to Lamech. Their child is born in 3 months of gestation and is Medusa of Greek myth. But corrupted by power, sin and murder and jealousy reduced this wonderful specimen of a man to a physical and spiritual wreck. Scions of Azazyel: War in Heaven (angelic cover), (2 cover choices the other is War in Heaven: Scions of Azazyel a girl on the cover), The Gnomes of Nome (A short story taken from Scions with a new into and prologue. OPEN AIR STREET PREACHING OUTREACH Interview with Holiness Preacher Dan Corner. ), The Witch of Endor: Vampires and Mystical Musing: A Collection of Poetry. God had clearly commanded His people never to consult a witch or medium (Leviticus 19:31 20:27), but Saul now had little regard for God's implicit instruction. On the right, four women with two goats taste the brews. 12 years ago | 45 views. You are different, aren’t you?”, “I guess you could say that. They fall in love around 901 BC. She falls in love with a man named Lamech who is not just another pretty face. With John Abineri, David Goodland, Nickolas Grace, Michael Praed. Lamech was cursed for accidentally killing Cain. What was her name? “No, no, I don’t have leprosy, but you would never want to look at me Paleus. The book of Genesis tells of Cain who killed Able and who was cursed by God. I promise I won’t make fun of you or tease you, no matter what you look like, ok?”. Lamech thought Lilith had died. Mother was burned terribly, as she held me up out of the flames.”, “But I have seen your mother. The beautiful Jennet of Elsdon rejects the amorous advances of the Sheriff's steward, Sir Guy of Gisburne, and is as a consequence accused of witchcraft by Sir Guy and imprisoned in the Nottingham Castle dungeons together with her husband. However, his sons did whatever they pleased. King Saul was killed by the Philistines and King David took his place at this time. Medusa moved until she touched the fabric of the curtain gently. 10:13-14). He survived the Great Flood by clinging to ropes that held drogue stones beneath Noah’s ark. “It was an accident, my dear, I have told you this many times. Lilith falls for Lamech who came to her to learn more about magic. I worked for 15 years in Anchorage, AK and in Indian villages there. You have beautiful finger nails, and your skin does not look burned.”, “You think I have pretty skin and fingers?”, “Very much so, come on out, it will be fine. After a brief pause, a young, male voice, perhaps of a teenager responded, “Yes, Medusa, I’m awake.”, “I guess we are friends. Report. Long ago when judges ruled the land of Israel, there lived a great Hebrew judge named Samuel. He is portrayed as cowardly and weak, and he sinks to new depths by visiting the medium (1 Chron. “Have you ever met someone that was burned badly?”, “Yes, my uncle was burned in a fire as a child. Why is that? He was cursed for killing Cain, the older son of Adam and Eve. (Genesis 4:8-11, 14.) Lilith’s younger daughters turned away from her and stuck their forked tongues out at Medusa before slithering down the hall. I miss my dad, and I am sure he is very worried about me. He said to the medium, "Bring me up Samuel." I enjoy studying religion, mythology, fishing, camping, beekeeping and writing. You were made special. One of the most remarkable and famous ghost stories of all time is the episode found in 1 Samuel 28 about Saul’s encounter with the Witch of Endor. After a battle, Lamech and Lilith are separated when the ship explodes. However, it’s not all bad as she’s played by Siân Phillips who is all kinds of wonderful in everything she’s in (including the original movie version of Dune which came out the previous year). Samuel’s spirit tells that King Saul has disobeyed God. Browse more videos. Also, Lilith’s saving grace is her unconditional love. Celthric exists to help independent authors and artists of science fiction to reach a wider audience by discussing, helping, promoting new works of fantasy, science fiction, art, comic, cosplay and movies. He is the first vampire. “Now you mind your sister while I am gone, do you understand? Is that why you never show yourself to me?”, “Well, mother and I were in a fire aboard a ship when I was a baby, and the ship exploded. Maldivar Acludar is hell bent on destroying the other vampires. Although Saul had banished all sorcerers and conjurers from his kingdom, his concern about the final outcome of Israel’s battle against the Philistines caused him to seek The story of the witch of Endor is baffling and troubling, but it is surely designed to paint Saul as a pathetic and tragic figure. WITCH OF ENDOR. I saw what it was like for my uncle growing up. Enjoy our free Bible Quiz: Witch of Endor. I have returned to Florida where I have been practicing for 5 years. Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985) Adventure ; Family ; TV Movie; The army of the Marauders, led by by King Terak and the witch Charal attack the Ewoks village. The snakes upon her head became excited and started moving around one another in anticipation. I would never judge you by your looks. This book is personal to me in some ways. The snakes upon their heads pecked at Lilith’s face. The ship is a Martian Congressional Republic Navy Corvette-class light frigate, stolen by Marco Inarosand his group. Her children are deformed yet she loves them and stays with them through thick and thin, when Lilith loves, its 100%. Lilith is the Witch of Endor. Follow. Article by Bible Pathway Adventures - bible stories for kids & parents. I will be working on finding an agent and publisher as time permits. Sthenno, Euryale, come to mommy.” The young gorgon twins slithered across the stone to Lilith’s outstretched arms. These same themes translate to the modern world. Independent reviews from indiebookreviews and the redheadedbookloverblog.com have been terrific, all 4-5 stars. Medusa is falling for a boy who her mother keeps imprisoned although they do not know of his unique bloodline. In God’s portrait gallery there is no more tragic figure than Saul, the son of Kish who, in his early days was “the glory of Israel.” What physique and personality were his! She grew up speaking with the dead and later developed magic around puberty. The story touches on revenge, betrayal, heartache, love, battle and forgiveness. According to 1 Chronicles 10:13-14, whatever the witch of Endor conjured up, it was not of the Lord. You were just too young to remember.” Lilith told a partial truth. Witch of Endor, in the Old Testament (1 Samuel 28:3–25), a female sorcerer who was visited by Saul, the first king of Israel. … The following is an excerpt from my novel, The Witch of Endor: Vampires. Don't take things into your own hands. She was spoken of in 1 Samuel in the Old Testament. She falls in love with a man named Lamech who is not just another pretty face. Lamech had always hated his daughter; he could not stand the hiss of the snakes upon her head or the way the baby had stared at him. Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves - Shackles 2. Learn about the Witch of Endor, the danger of witchcraft, and King Saul. She joined him as one of the vampires so they could be together always and so that she would not continue to age.
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