Teamwork! They’re also a nightmare for horde armies to charge, as the Gatling burst cannon extra hits still trigger on overwatch. Not that much! Likewise, none of them displace actual relics, so you can put a relic plus one of them on the same unit. . Broadsides). The only reason XV8 Crisis Commanders don’t show up more often is because there’s little to recommend them over the Enforcer and Coldstar variants. Most competitive lists feature multiple squads of drones, usually either taking 6-8 shield drones per squad, or taking a mix of shield drones and marker drones to help provide Markerlight support for the army. Moving right along, we have Matt Neely, who tied for 4th place in the Huscarl GT with a … Deep strike them in and burn anything that looks at you funny. It can come in handy if a major target is down to one wound and you really. The second best core Sept, and the one you see popping up most in competitive lists alongside T’au or a custom shooty one. Why? Generally the two that seem to best fit them are: The first loadout tots up to just under 300pts for a full squad and shines in metagames full of horde armies like Orks, whom they will just evaporate. They’re also good slot filler in a Tau Brigade, since they take up Fast Attack slots, though so do Tactical Drones (for more on these, see next entry). Night Lords have a compliment of stratagems and relics that used in tandem will: Deny Overwatch, make charges out of deep strike easier, and prevent falling back. TGG gave these a number of boosts – the more popular HYMP build gets even better with Hardened Warheads, but the Rail Rifle build gets an arguably even bigger boost with the Magna Rail Rifle prototype system, which makes their big guns S9, boosts their range and gives them a minimum damage of 3. The only problem is that you have to decide whether you move/advance before you know whether you can hit with enough Markerlights, so better keep those Target Locks on your Riptides. You can minimise this limit by using multiple small detachments. Recently I came up with the following as an idea for a 2000 point list. Load them with the ion cannon, SMSes and the maximum count of seeker missiles and you have a decently priced engine of death that can engage a lot of targets. At her peak Shadowsun was potentially in competition for one of the very best units in the game, but she’s come down in power a bit (while still being good) thanks to an updated datasheet and a shift in the metagame away from Tau Sept. Shadowsun rocks in at 127 points with mandatory accompanying drones and an absurdly lengthy datasheet. Notice I have no Monsters except for a Tyrannocyte for a pin-point Genestealer strike and a Trygon for a Devil-Gant bomb. Earlier in the edition you tended to see more of them, especially when Tau brigades were more of a thing, but they’re quite vulnerable in Marine meta and you can squeeze more performance out of taking the absolute maximum of Elites and Heavy Support, so they’ve tended to fall down the priority list to merely filling up detachment slots in Battalions. 5. The roving nightmare that the forward elements of this list presents will keep many opponents on the back foot, and like a lot of Farsight armies it’s way less vulnerable to getting pinned down in its deployment zone than the average Tau list. Then, from order of most expendable to least, (unless you have something charging from outside LOS, in which case do them first) declare a charge against the minimum number of units you can to allow your charger to plausibly threaten to pile in to whatever you’re trying to lock if they aren’t repelled. Breachers do now see actual use, but Strike Teams are still more common. On Breachers it could be nice since your opponent would be automatically in range for the best profile but they'll still only hit on a 4+ without re-rolls and honestly ... how many of your Breacher do you expect to survive after getting shot at and then getting charged? If they get engaged in close combat you can say goodbye to any use they have. Strength 5 guns everywhere means your troops have an easier time wounding most MEQ things and T8 tanks/monsters. . Even in the light of the devastating Damocles Gulf Crusade they gave only inches, and have turned their hardship into reason to push harder and higher. This model makes the squad absurdly more resilient against volume fire, and if you bring some shield drones as well then they can judiciously leap in the way of the very worst stuff too. TR: Strike Team: 4x Fire Warrior w/Pulse Carbine & Photon Grenades, 1x Shas’Ui w/Markerlight (3) (2pl, 38pts) And while they come with more wounds and the ability to take a Shield Generator for a 4+ invulnerable save, losing out on the drone protections means they’re ultimately more vulnerable than Riptides. Tactics. As ever, if you have any questions or comments, drop us a line in the comments below or shoot us an email at In addition, Markerlight counters are no longer used up for their effects, so you can really pour focused fire onto a lit target - but make sure you actually do make use of them once placed, because they'll be gone at the end of the Shooting phase (or the Charge phase if you're shooting them on Overwatch). Like a lot of factions post-PA, Tau now have two choices for Septs – take one from the main codex, or build a custom one using a set of mix and match traits. 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle Troops: Strike Team [2 PL, 38pts], Fire Warrior Shas’ui: Markerlight, Pulse rifle . Note: While certainly powerful, Y'vahra are unfortunately a bit of a death star unit. Unlike most titan scale units from FW this thing is actually usable, and we hate it. This makes use of the Crisis burst cannon bomb we discussed, backed up by an appaling number of drones and a clique of commanders, to control the board, while blasting from the back with Magna Rail Rifle armed Broadsides. 3x more expensive on the Ghostkeel, Riptide and Stormsurge, though they don't replace any systems for it and all have a. Pathfinders don’t do anything especially big or clever, but they have a clear purpose that’s costed about right, which in Tau is about as good as you can ask for. DX6 ‘Remora’ Stealth Drone w/ 2x Seeker missile: 2x Long-barelled burst cannon, 2x Seeker missile++ Total: [112 PL, 1,999pts] ++Feliks Bartkiewicz’s Farsight EnclavesAs a final entry, since we know they have lots of fans, we have Feliks’ Farsight list. It's probably a good point to keep him tucked away until you get a chance to shoot since he can move and ignore the penalty due to the +1 to hit. Markerlight support is a must, and Tetra's are truly the best possible option to make it's Destroyer Missiles viable. Remember this costs double on the Ghostkeel, Riptide, Stormsurge and Y'vahra, but given how many guns those suits carry, that's honestly not surprising. 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle Strike Team [2 PL, 38pts] Equip the suits with 2 drones apiece, this part is not optional. Here’s a good example of a Swarm List, very much designed to strangle the board and lock enemies in place. TOTAL REINFORCEMENT POINTS: n/a As with Crisis Suits, you can take 2 drones per model in a Broadside unit, and you should do this most (if not all) the time. Give your Enforcer an Advanced Targeting System and 3 Cyclic Ion Blasters and drop him and his drones where he can put a hole right in the middle of your opponent’s army. Note that it says after the enemy charged, and that you roll a D6 for every model in the unit within 3" of your model. Sure, this one would enable you to use the Uplinked Markerlight Stratagem in combination, but seriously what do you need 2-4 Markerlights on a Character? Can be a great late game objective grabber if you position it right. On top of their basic guns and profile, they have the “Nova Reactor” special rule – for the cost of 1 mortal wound, you can either move 2D6″ in the charge phase, improve the number of shots, or increase their invulnerable save from 5+ to 3+, highly annoying for your opponent when they also have a 2+ armour save and, of course, are surrounded by shield drones. Fire Warrior Shas’ui: Markerlight, Pulse rifle . It is your enemy who will try to reach you in melee; many times they will succeed. Even if you aren’t a melee army charging Tau can help – it stops Broadsides shooting for a turn, and forces their other units to at least move and be unable to Kauyon. I think 8th edition style lists (not this, way more shield drones) can still be good. Naturally, if your army has any relics or powers that let you switch off overwatch, bring those when you’re facing Tau, as they make this whole process a lot easier! Crisis Suit Commanders are one of the T’au army’s strongest units, capable of carrying four weapons and dishing out a massive amount of firepower as a deep strike threat. Personally I can’t wait for Tau to show up in Psychic Awakening and randomly buff Riptides without helping the rest of the army, forcing us to come back in and make that recommendation even stronger. The second option generally involves taking five models armed with two of your chosen gun (either missile pod or CIB) and an ATS to boost the gun and keep the cost down, then (as suggested by Richard Siegler in his review of the book) one model dedicated to defence, taking the Iridium suit upgrade (2+ save), an airbursting frag projector with the Reactive Countermeasures prototype system (ignore AP-1 and -2) and a shield generator. Thematically, Bork'an is the brains of the Empire. Both have their attractions – the dispersed guns pack a more useful profile but the extra 6″ of range to let her plink shots out of the castle isn’t bad either. Then you teach the fools what "Danger Close" means by rerolling all wound rolls on S5-S6. Vs. Threads . Let’s take a look at our next list. If you prefer to keep them close to their missile bubblewrap, consider taking heavy Rail rifle broadsides, two with shield generators/velocity trackers and the Shas'Vre taking a drone controller. Consider throwing in a Recon drone as it forms one unit with the PA-drones and provides cheap ablative wounds for the vital buff for your Fire Warriors, as they can easily be singled out otherwise. About a week after Simon Priddis won Battlefield Birmingham with them, someone at GW finally noticed that this had happened, and they were immediately FAQed to use the index version of their gun which was considerably less good – thus ending their reign. Tau Broadside Battlesuit with Missiles. They’re big, tough, incredibly versatile, they fly, and they put out a lot of shots. They also throw out absolutely withering firepower with the addition of the Volley Fire aura from a Fireblade. You can technically use the crisis suits as commanders. HQ: Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit (90), 4x Fusion Blaster (56), 2x MV4 Shield Drone (20) (9pl, 166pts) She can now take one of two different types of fusion blasters. Battalion Detachment, Tau Empire: Farsight Enclaves [48pl, 771pts] +5CP Not saying "don't take this and go WAAC", you WAACfag, just saying some loadouts overlap in function. . Both of these abilities are fine but are also trivially replicated by a single ethereal (who you probably have), making the mandatory inclusion of the drones (who are a straight up liability in ITC) a major downside of her new datasheet. The Dal’yth Sept bonus is a strong benefit for T’au gunlines and castles, where the primary strategy emphasizes holding still and forcing the opponent to come to you. 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle Strike Team [2 PL, 38pts] Templar Grand Master Lord Dawn Armour, laurels of victory 235 Warrior Priest Hero Armor of … 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle+ Heavy Support + TX7 Hammerhead Gunship [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Smart missile system, Ion cannon, 2x Seeker missile TX7 Hammerhead Gunship [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Smart missile system, Ion cannon, 2x Seeker missile TX7 Hammerhead Gunship [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Smart missile system, Ion cannon, 2x Seeker missile++ Air Wing Detachment +1CP (T’au Empire) [33 PL, 512pts] ++ T’au Empire Sept Choice: Farsight Enclaves AX39 Sun Shark Bomber [9 PL, 128pts]: Markerlight, Missile pod, 2x MV17 Interceptor Drone, 2x Seeker missile AX39 Sun Shark Bomber [9 PL, 128pts]: Markerlight, Missile pod, 2x MV17 Interceptor Drone, 2x Seeker missile AX39 Sun Shark Bomber [9 PL, 128pts]: Markerlight, Missile pod, 2x MV17 Interceptor Drone, 2x Seeker missile DX6 Remora Stealth Drone Squadron [3 PL, 64pts] Custom Sept: Gifted Pilots, Hardened Warheads+ HQ + Cadre Fireblade [2 PL, 42pts]: Markerlight Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit [8 PL, 150pts]: 4x Missile pod+ Troops + Strike Team [2 PL, 38pts] This is a highly optimized Tau list, and it shows. The Razorshark sure is a unit which exists in the book. You'll shrug of all anti-tank weapons as on a 2+ that D 10 Valient Harpoon translates to a single mortal wound. 48 shots shooting on a 2+ with re-rolling 1's? You don’t need Fire Warriors, Pathfinders, or Gun Drones to make Fireblades worth having, but if you’re bringing both, they make a wonderful team. In the grim darkness of the far future, the Banner of T'au flies high. FA: Tactical Drones: 8x MV4 Shield Drone (80), 4x MV7 Marker Drone (40) (2pl, 120pts) This list leans on the power of Hardened Warheads and Gifted Pilots to turbo-charge a bunch of vehicles loaded to the brim with smart and seeker missiles, backed up by a Farsight Enclave Air Wing to squeeze value out of Firestorm and their sept traits.
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