skyrim is kharjo a good follower

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Both are set as essential. His favorite go to weapon is Mehrune's Razor. Inigo is a blast. I've tried many, many followers in Skyrim through 5 playthroughs, and Mjoll has always been the best. Short and restrained rant session concluded. Not to mention he looks awesome!Teldryn Sero - Great company, and extremely powerful in battle! And, while I enjoy adventuring with Serana, because she's an amazing character, I think Lydia is the strongest by far. Awesome companion he's a great two handed light armour beast he's the follower I use now, Eric is funny as a companion! Page 1 of 2 - the Kharjo thread - posted in Skyrim Spoilers: This is a thread about my favourite henchman in the game Skyrim. (I'm sure the poor chap just got lost.) If you go mage, he can tank and charge in with his trusty familiar. He's pretty damn awesome and he is the sass lord supreme, and not to mention an ass kicking machine (who steals all of my damn kills and keeps getting in the way or my arrows) but still, my priority companion every time I start a new game. He only has so much room to carry things! I just hooked up with Mjoll again and we are twins in our orc armor. when she kills someone herself. 14 Kharjo. You need to get his moon amulet back from bandits to get him to follow you. SO KEEP HIM ALIVE! For example, if your ally is an archer and you give him a good ranged weapon, then he should automatically make an exchange for his current weapon. Support me on Its an army! Aela may give her blood to make you a werewolf but apparently she will only do it once. Haha! I gave her some smithed up dual enchanted forsworn armor items and stole her crappy hide armor and now she can carry even more than I can. His levelling doesn't necessarily make him a great mage, it's his spells that do all the glory. Sometimes it can be hard to tell which … Bottom line Teldryn Sero DESERVES first place! I want to hear yours!! All these other dudes are pretty great, but I think Lydia is the best. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Most interesting of all followers; almost childlike, in her post adolescent curiosity, but one helluva lady in a fight. Page 2 of 3 - Best follower? The Black on the head are not hair its is War Paint Reference Diamonds for meh Download skin now! Vilkas is available as a follower after the Companions quest-line. chevron_left. Icurrently have a Meeko and some Orc as a follwer, I'm on smithing skill 84 and both me and Orc are wearing Legendary Dwarven amour. He is easily the strongest and most intelligent. Each follower has their own unique perks, the way they talk or how they behave on your travels. She efficiently dual wields a weapon in one hand and rather potent magicks in the other. Kharjo is a Khajiit warrior who guards and travels with the rest of the trade caravan led by Ahkari. J'zargo! He's worth the quest-line. One of his funny traits is that he REFUSES to put on any other kind of armor you give him unless it completely covers his face.He's really reliable when you feel like going all out to kill something, and is super useful against dragons, because he doesn't have to use a bow and arrow, and like everyone else said, he's a great spell sword, and there's not many followers who can do that.Yeah, this guy is great. Except maybe Karjho. A makeover for the best follower in Skyrim - Kharjo. Na, use her till level 40 and marry her, she stops leveling there. " I also love his ebony dagger! S he has never told anything bad and also he always gives me advises how to fight better farkas is love farkas is life. I like J'zargo so much I've reloaded games just to keep him if he got killed in a quest. It’s difficult to choose just one follower as it can vary depending on your needs and your style of gameplay. I love how snarky he is. I guess if you were also a mage he would be kill-stealing, but regardless. They can't die unless you accidentally kill them. Skyrim: The 10 Best & 10 Worst Followers In The Game. 30 seems kinda low doesn't it? He's super friendly and nice. He's a powerhouse, period. These are in no particular order but these are the best Skyrim followers based on stats, level and skills. Plus she's hot. He's more trained in One-Handed skills but if you give him a crazy weapon like a Giant's Club he does just a good job and looks epic holding a 20 pound looking club if he's wearing matching armor. My only flaw with him is that he can be pretty rude sometimes, but aren't we all? Kharjo is part of the Khajiit Caravan which travels between Riften, Windhelm, and Dawnstar. Though, most times, she just sorta stares at me. He shoots fireballs, summons fire atronachs, and is an awesome melee fighter. He's good at sneaking but has been known to set off traps sometimes. Some followers have varying sexual tastes - that is, some followers will only use specific kinds of animations. He is a solid fighter with both the sword and bow. She is a great follower because she can use a bow and uses melee weapons. Farkas is good for the archer type who like to hit from far away or for the kind of stealthy people who don't level up their health. Kharjo's home (spawn) is Ahkari's Caravan, which roams the route between Dawnstar and Riften. Aela is my all-time follower. 500 gold and you broke the game =D. She kills a giant on your first visit to Whiterun near the Hanningbrew Meadery. A plus about him is that if you marry him, he is pretty much immortal. The Best Followers and Companions in Skyrim. I need to know which one is better. Look at his epic hair." -Sips_. You were very ugly. Super cute! Annekke Crag-Jumper. She is a valiant, honorable companion. These NPCs journey with you, encountering huge beasts, betrayals and quests. I don't remember her being any good at all, though, which is weird. I have been using her for a long time and she never dies. But that's it! She was the perfect counter stab to my back biter fighter/thief. Don't forget that only certain enchants work for followers!Last, but not least, he has no morality. I used to use Lydia for quests but I've decided to make her my steward, was just wondering who are the strongest followers to get (not Dawnguard or Dragornborn DLC just the Skyrim base game). He's probably the one you found. She's the type I'd fall in love with in a heart beat. Give him some good armour and a good bow, and he is a great companion. From: Solid_Truth | #005 The only sneak type follower I've found is the dark elf in whiterun, I liked her comments and she'll duel wield but … Forums > Skyrim Discussion > Skyrim Help > Welcome to Skyrim Forums! I like J'zargo, Valdimar is pretty good in a dungeon, although I never quite forgave him for vanishing while I was fighting two frost dragons, a bear and a Spriggan. Like most Khajiit, he and the caravan refuses to enter cities, rather they set up a trading post on the outskirts of them. Great all around follower for low and high levels.

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