When these strike our Earth, violent magnetic storms sometimes occurs.”[13]W.D. The Universe is Electric. & H.O. It recognizes connections between diverse disciplines. As a theory, it offers explanations of various natural and astrophysical phenomena, some of which it claims are better understood without … The Electric Universe is based more on observations and experiment than abstract theory. The Electric Universe (EU) theory postulates that gravity is just another manifestation of electromagnetism, albeit at an almost inconceivably lower force (~10-39 as strong): “Gravity is due to radially oriented electrostatic dipoles inside the Earth’s protons, neutrons and electrons. 1070-1075, 23 Dec. 1960. It is based on the recognition of existing natural electrical phenomena (eg. The basic claim of the Electric Universe model is that much of the astronomical phenomena observed in the universe is driven by electrical interactions rather than gravitational ones. Over the whole surface of the Sun electrical and magnetic disturbances are usually taking place, especially round the large sun-spots, which have been compared to enormous whirlpools, or volcanoes from which streams of electrically-charged particles are projected into space. And as usual in wartime, truth is the first... Continue reading [...], Original Post February 14, 2012 Water is said to have carved many of the features on Mars. The Safire Project is testing the Electric Sun theory. Elect.Rev., 169, p. 332, 24 Feb. 1961, Thornhill, W., “The Electric Universe”, SIS. Synopsis 2 – The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE ... term “crisis in cosmology” to describe the numerous and growing evidences that contradict or undermine the Big Bang theory. lightning, St Elmo’s Fire), and the known properties of plasmas (ionized “gases”) which make up 99.999% of the visible universe, and react strongly to electro-magnetic fields. In 1966, James Paton mentioned “the thinking reader who knows that gravitation and electrostatics both involve inverse-square laws of force, but is unaware of ionization, may wonder how stars and galaxies exist in the ‘electric universe’. The Electric Universe theory highlights the importance of electricity throughout the Universe. The Electric Universe theory is based on the idea that as 99.9% of the Universe is made up of plasma – electrically charged gas – and that the electromagnetic forces that are found everywhere may have more influence on our Universe than gravity.. Nearly everything in the Universe is formed of plasma, all stars, including our sun is made of … Space scientists are surprised about most things they find. In the 1960s, the theory behind plasma cosmology was introduced by Alfvén, a plasma expert who won the 1970 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). Nevertheless, the conventional cosmology taught today remains essentially a theory based solely on gravity and nuclear fusion. The Electric Universe Theory - if Everything Is Electric then everything should show signs of being part of the Electric Universe. Scientists from the University of California reported in June 2007 that a “confirmation” for the Martian liquid ocean theory was found: “shorelines” extending for thousands of kilometers around a large lake that existed... Continue reading [...], Original Post February 2, 2012 History repeats itself – and that includes the history of science. He endeavours to show that electrical discharges have gradually condensed matter from the primordial gas and dust of a general universal atmosphere, first into galaxies, then from the condensed matter of the galaxies into stars. (ref), Electricity is common throughout the universe, generated by all cosmic plasma as it moves through magnetic fields. Even some of those who believe in it have their different version of what may have happened, much like any science theory or religion! Chances are, you’re probably familiar with standard models of cosmology. See: electricity throughout the Universe. It concludes that the crucial requirement for understanding the universe is to take fully into account the basic electrical nature of atoms and their interactions. The difference now is that the war is against Nature on two fronts—a pandemic and a human-triggered planetary heat death. Below is our video of Wal Thornhill: Boundary Rider Of Science that can be found on MungoFlix. e theory highlights the importance of electricity throughout the Universe. The Electric Universe Theory (EU) generally states that electricity is the engine behind a long list of natural and astrophysical spectacles. A good theory predicts or explains. It occurs when government, business, or advocacy groups use legal or economic pressure to influence the findings of scientific research or the way it is disseminated, reported or interpreted. 528 likes. The text reads: “The Sun’s surface usually shows one or more spots or groups of spots, the largest of which are easily seen by the naked eye if the brilliance of the Sun is veiled by smoked glass. Certain cosmic phenomena are electrical in nature, including: Galaxy formation and dynamics (circumventing the need for black holes and dark matter). This interacts with Sun’s magnetic field, producing the heliospheric current sheet]which carries about 3×109 amperes through our own Solar System. For example, the Sun (and stars) produce current loops in solar flares, and currents flow thought extragalactic jets spanning many parsecs. The Electric Universe is based more on observations and experiment than abstract theory . EU figureheads Wallace Thornhill and David Talbottare staunch supporters of Velikovsky’s mythological-ba… Electrical Discharges from the Sun”. As a theory, it offers explanations of various natural and astrophysical phenomena, some of which it claims are better understood without the need for various ad hoc explanations. One of the participants at the London meeting concluded: “I think the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® is actually very simple. Politics and the Electric Universe Theory. Wills, Issued in 1928 by the Imperial Tobacco Company, Electric Universe Model on Wikipedia (2005), Electrically Charged Particles Found in Enceladus’ Plumes, The Electric Universe: Flashing thoughts for consideration and facts from many sources, The Great Electric Universe: Face to Face with God and Facts: Sun, Moon & Planets Populated: Man the Epitome of the Universe, Whither Has He Come, Whither is He Going, The Electric Universe is Self-Sustaining and Eternal, On the Physical Consequences of a General Excess of Charge, The Z-Pinch Morphology of Supernova 1987A and Electric Stars, The Plasma plus Gravity Universe May Not Need Dark Matter, Laboratory Reproduction of Possible Solar System Plasma Effects, Electricity plays a more significant role in the Universe than is generally accepted, Gravity plays a significant and important role, in the, The Sun and stars are powered electrically by external currents (see, Planetary surface features such as some craters, dendritic structures and rilles are caused by super-lightning (see. The Electric Universe theory argues that electricity plays a significant and more important role in the Universe, than is generally accepted (see also “Electricity throughout the Universe“). ►Fact file ►Reference ►Resource ►Articles ►Information. The Electric Universe Theory is simply that. The Electric Universe theory argues that electricity plays a significant and more important role in the Universe, than is generally accepted (see also “ Electricity throughout the Universe “). “Plasma phenomena are scalable. The theory does not dismiss gravity. Nothing about the Electric Universe has been published in scientific journals, because it can't pass peer review. The Electric Universe theory highlights the importance of electricity throughout the Universe. Much of the material considered by the Electric Universe is peer-reviewed, but not all (see Speculative Theories, below). Bruce, “An All-Electric Universe”. These spots are constantly changing in shape more or less rapidly. Obviously not everyone who has an interest in or is a dedicated follower of the Electric Universe theory believes in Talbott’s Saturn Myth. If the 'electric' universe can't do that, then it has a bigger problem than dark matter/dark energy. Others have described, or had described, their theories as the “Electric Universe”, and while they may share some features in common, may be wholly different too. by ThunderboltsProject on February 6, 2021 at 7:59 am Andrew Hall: Handbag of the Gods | Space News. Theory of Eternal Inflation. According to Wikipedia: The politicization of science is the manipulation of science for political gain. Electric Universe theory and Plasma Cosmology News and Videos. C.E.R. This is based on an assumption by a man called Juergen, that one of the values used in fluid dynamics, the Reynolds number, causes the convection, and at certain values convection cannot occur. - Seeking The Third Story - The Electric Universe - Sun's Effects on Life on Earth - Geomagnetic Effects and Electricity of Life - Symbols of An Alien Sky - Selections - Symbols of An Alien Sky - The Video - The Electric Universe Theory - An Alternative Model of Cosmology? Perhaps not surprisingly, the Electric Universe has also become the target of pseudo-skeptics, whose criticisms have consisted of ad hominems, misunderstanding, misrepresentation, and labeling as pseudoscience. The Electric Universe theory shares a lot of similarities with Plasma Cosmology, but there are differences also. It also presents loads of information about how it happened and the environment on Earth at the time. Source: WikiMedia Commons. Electric universe theory argues that the granulation we observe on the surface of the sun cannot be caused by convection bubbling up the layers of the sun. Wills, Issued in 1928 by the Imperial Tobacco Company jQuery('#footnote_plugin_tooltip_85_1_13').tooltip({ tip: '#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_85_1_13', tipClass: 'footnote_tooltip', effect: 'fade', predelay: 0, fadeInSpeed: 200, delay: 400, fadeOutSpeed: 200, position: 'top right', relative: true, offset: [10, 10], }); C.E.R. Bruce, “An All-Electric Universe”, Elect.Rev., 169, p. 104, 20 Jan. 1961. In this Alfvén–Klei… The Electric Universe introduces the universe that many in mainstream science ignore, and authors Wallace Thornhill and David Talbott offer a sweeping critique of today’s popular cosmology. It concludes that the crucial requirement for understanding the universe is to take fully into account the basic electrical nature of … Discharges in the extended atmospheres of stars further condensed the matter, ultimately to allow the formation of planets and satellites”[7]C.E.R. In 1978, P. C. W. Davies in an article in. Thornhill, W., “Stars in an Electric Universe”. 99.999% of the visible universe is a plasma and all moving plasmas produce their own magnetic field and electric currents. The theory does not dismiss gravity. C.E.R. Electric Earth, Electric Universe December 19, 2020 January 11, 2021. A laboratory simulation of two interacting electric “Birkeland” currents, models many characteristics of galaxy formation. But it is, and it’s one minor confirmation of Electric Earth theory. Immanuel Velikovsky (1895–1979) was an enthusiastic early adopter of electric universe ideas, seeing in them a possible mechanism to explain his hypothesis of a violent rearranging of the Solar System as recently as a few thousand years ago, and that Earth had previously been a satellite of Saturn. What is the Electric Universe theory? Strangely, Peer reviewed papers describe electricity in the Sun, and associated with the interplanetary medium (solar wind), planets and their satellites, comets, in interstellar space, other stars, and intergalactic space. ! All matter in the universe is connected by the electric force. Thunderbolts.info TPOD. Plasmas are strongly influenced by electro-magnetic forces. Bruce, “All-electric theory of the universe” (1971) in Students’ Quarterly Journal Volume: 40, Issue: 160 (June 1970) jQuery('#footnote_plugin_tooltip_85_1_8').tooltip({ tip: '#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_85_1_8', tipClass: 'footnote_tooltip', effect: 'fade', predelay: 0, fadeInSpeed: 200, delay: 400, fadeOutSpeed: 200, position: 'top right', relative: true, offset: [10, 10], }); In 1928, the Imperial Tobacco Company published a series of 50 cigarette cards, “The Romance of the Heavens”. It is estimated to be over 8 million lightning strikes ”per day”, each carrying an average of 30kAmps. Have you ever wondered how the universe works? The Electric Universe theory is interdisciplinary, integrating and supporting subject as diverse as the science (astronomy, geology, physics), with the soft sciences such as ancient history and comparative mythology. C.E.R. Elect. It supports the idea that electricity powers the Sun and stars, and that cosmic occurrences are electrical in nature. The Saturn Polar Configuration theory is a real mind blowing idea. Bruce, “An All-Electric Universe” (1960) in, W.D. ►Fact file ►Reference ►Resource ►Articles ►Information. The Simple ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® A signature of a good theory is its simplicity. Tag: Electric Universe. Gareth Samuel: So What Exactly Is a Blazar? Also, these people seem to believe in an eternal static universe with an infinite extent. More speculative aspects of the Electric Universe theory argue that some planetary features, such as craters are produced by cosmic mega-lightning electrical scarring rather than impacts with meteorites. Velikovsky’s influence still looms large and has become an integral part of the current EU dogma. Bruce, “An All-Electric Universe” (1960) in Electrical Review (23 Dec 1960) jQuery('#footnote_plugin_tooltip_85_1_7').tooltip({ tip: '#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_85_1_7', tipClass: 'footnote_tooltip', effect: 'fade', predelay: 0, fadeInSpeed: 200, delay: 400, fadeOutSpeed: 200, position: 'top right', relative: true, offset: [10, 10], });[8]C.E.R. The Electric Universe!! As with any theory, the Electric Universe makes predictions that have been tested, and is published in both peer-reviewed papers, and popular books. Electric Universe Theory is quite simply a redundant bases of lexical impression concerning a ‘rhetorical’ depiction of the Universe as a dynamic label. In 1900, Ignatio Tyrrell publishes the book: In 1959, Herman Bondi and R.A. Lyttleton proposed of “The possibility of a general excess of charge in the universe”. C.E.R. Electric Universe Theory. It's a big red flag when science journals all reject your stuff. Discussion, investigation articles, photographs, forum and chat on the Electric Universe and Plasma Cosmology Theory. They need to explain how they resolve Olbers' paradox. He was also very much aware of the broader implications for electromagnetism and electrodynamics. The concept of inflation was introduced by cosmologist Alan Guth in … The famous Palaeolithic art galleries inside such caves as at Altamira, Trois Frères and Lascaux still lay undiscovered in the womb... Continue reading [...], Electric Universe Model on Wikipedia (2005), comet: Interaction with interplanetary medium, Wal Thornhill: Understanding Human Nature | Thunderbolts. For example, the Electric Universe has a single force operating in the universe—the electric force. The Electric Universe is based on the known properties of plasmas, in preference to unproven theoretical physics, and consequently does not require black holes, dark matter and dark energy, neutron stars and the Big Bang. Their electrical and physical properties remain the same, independent of the size of the plasma.” — Donald Scott, author of The Electric Sky Plasma in space usually appears as a cloud of partially charged gas... Continue reading [...], Fear and division are being whipped up globally through a compliant media and the internet as if it were wartime. It is also suggested that the Sun and stars are powered externally electrically (see the Electric Sun theory), and the behavior of comets is due to their interaction with electrified interplanetary plasma (see comet: Interaction with interplanetary medium, Original Post February 15, 2012 Dark matter is in the news. The heliospheric current sheet is the largest coherent structure in our Solar System. Terrestrial electricity is often seen in Atmospheric electricity such as lightning and the aurora, and also appears in St Elmo;s fire, and upper atmosphere phenomena such as red sprites, blue jets, elves and tigers. Bruce, “An All-Electric Universe”. & H.O. “.. proposed a theory of the evolution of the universe, which will be of interest to electrical engineers. MungoFlix is the video streaming site of Ancient Destructions where you can find many more “Electric Universe” and related videos streams. Card No. | Thunderbolts. Elect.Rev., 168, p. 20, 6 Jan. 1961. In 1971, Oskar Klein, a Swedish theoretical physicist, extended the earlier proposals and developed the Alfvén–Klein model of the universe, or "metagalaxy", an earlier term used to refer to the empirically accessible part of the universe, rather than the entire universe including parts beyond our particle horizon. Magnetism, gravity and the nuclear force are various effects produced by charged, orbitally structured protons and electrons in response to an applied electric force. Although outer space is a vacuum, it is permeated with the plasma of the Solar “Wind”. The Electric Universe theory. So its promoters publish it themselves, on the Internet and in self-published books. It recognizes connections between diverse disciplines. Bruce, “An All-Electric Universe”. 2.1K likes. “Electric Universe”, the incredible seven part series from Gaia, offers a limited time opportunity to view the fourth episode absolutely free.Wal Thornhill and Ev Cochrane delve into ancient tales of a goddess with disheveled hair or a head full of snakes that may explain a massive change to our solar system as a new heavenly body joined it.Scroll down to mid-page, center video and watch for FREE Episode 4: “The Birth of Venus”. The galactic counterpart is estimated to carry of 1017 – 1019 Amps. "The Electric Universe" presents an alternative theory that recognizes electrical forces as the dominant influence in shaping the universe, and a major factor in determining much of our cultural and historical experience. There’s a cosmological model that has gained popularity on the internet known as the Electric Universe. 43 featured “The Sun. Rev., 162, pp. Back in 1879, the very notion of ‘prehistoric cave art’ was unheard of. Wallace Thornhill Electric Universe video. In essence, everything hinges on the question of whether or not electricity exists in space.
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